Decision details

Re-commissioning and Procurement of a Responsive Repair & Maintenance Service for Housing Properties

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The report seeks permission to extend the timeframe available for the commissioning and procurement of a maintenance solution, to enable more time to undertake a more detailed exploration of the options available in relation to scope and the vehicle delivery. This to succeed the current Interserve contract which expires on 31/03/2016.


To note the progress made in evaluating options to re-procure an alternative service provision, including in the accompanying Part II report, and the resulting proposed changes to the implementation plan and to resolve:


(a)  That in order to alleviate the time constraints and provide sufficient time for the re-procurement project to achieve its full aims, that officers be empowered to explore and evaluate options to procure an interim provision of services from April 1st 2016 for a period of between 12 and 20 months.


(b)  That following completion of an options appraisal, the decision to pursue the best option for interim service provision be delegated to the Strategic Director, Regeneration, Housing and Resources, following consultation with the Leader and the Commissioner for Neighbourhoods & Renewal, to decide on the interim provision solution.


(c)  That following an exercise to determine the scope of the project and subsequently which vehicle should be used to deliver the objectives therein, to be carried out by the project team and agreed by the commissioning and procurement board, the Cabinet resolve to delegate to the Strategic Director, Regeneration, Housing and Resources, following consultation with the Leader of the Council and Commissioner for Neighbourhoods & Renewal, the choice of option for the final business case to be based upon.

Publication date: 27/02/2015

Date of decision: 09/03/2015

Decided at meeting: 09/03/2015 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: