Issue - meetings

Children & Young People's Oral Health

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Slough Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 38)

38 Oral Health in Slough's Children pdf icon PDF 107 KB


The Chair and the Council’s Service Lead Public Health gave a presentation on the picture of oral health in Slough, its links with health inequalities and the current provision for supporting oral health.


Oral health was an important ‘marker’ of health inequality and was linked to deprivation.  There was particular concern about oral health of children in Slough with 41.5% of children having one or more decayed teeth compared to 23.3% in England.  The levels of decay were higher than would be expected taking into account Slough’s deprivation and there were therefore other factors such as culture and language which influenced the position.  The Council was taking action to address the issues and the evidence indicated that the greatest impact would be by focusing on oral health in children.


The Board noted the current oral health initiatives which included the oral health promotion project provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust; “Starting Well” initiative; Active Movement; and the Healthy Early Years and Healthy Schools coordinators.  The “Starting Well” scheme had received £85,000 from NHS England and initially linked six schools in the most deprived wards with local dental practices.  There were open days for families and it was considered that investing early would deliver long term results.  It was hoped that funding could be secured for a further year and that the work could be embedded.


Resolved –  That the update on oral health in Slough be noted.


(Alan Sinclair left the meeting)