Agenda and minutes

Slough Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 14th May, 2014 5.00 pm

Venue: Sapphire Suite 5, The Centre, Farnham Road, Slough, SL1 4UT. View directions

Contact: Greg O'Brien  01753 875013

No. Item


Declaration of Interest

All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary or other Pecuniary or non pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to the circumstances described in Section 3 paragraphs 3.25 – 3.27 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 3.28 of the Code.


The Chair will ask Members to confirm that they do not have a declarable interest.


All Members making a declaration will be required to complete a Declaration of Interests at Meetings form detailing the nature of their interest.




Minutes of the last meeting held on 26th March 2014 pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Resolved – That the minutes of the last meeting of the Board held on 26th March 2014 be approved as a correct record.


Skills, Employment and Enterprise PDG Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


Members were provided with an update on the Skills Employment and Enterprise Priority Delivery Group’s (SEE PDG) main activities. It was noted that the SEE PDG would implement a programme plan of activity to reduce economic inactivity, raise skill levels and support the reduction of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) levels. 


It was brought to Members attention that skills and unemployment remained key issues for the borough. Although unemployment levels had decreased month on month since January 2013, further initiatives were required to support those individuals who were unemployed and had low levels of skill to avoid lengthening anytime out of the labour market. Skill levels amongst the adult population were lower than adult populations in neighbouring areas which often meant that people from outside the Borough were more likely to secure better paid and higher skilled jobs in Slough. To address the issue, Board Members were advised that SEE PDG had prioritised the work of increasing apprenticeships and employment opportunities by establishing an Apprenticeship Task Group and a Job Outcomes Task Group.


(Colin Pill joined the meeting at 5.15pm)


A number of points were raised in the ensuing discussion including:


  • To what extent work would be targeted to focus on areas of deprivation in the Borough including Chalvey and Britwell. It was noted that work planned by both the task groups would prioritise raising awareness and breaking down barriers for these members of the community by ensuring that they had the support and access that was required.
  • Apprenticeships would be targeted to include Looked After Children.
  • Future reports to include detailed breakdown relating to claimants and to include young offenders statistics within the NEET figures.
  • It was confirmed that provision for apprenticeships was included in major contracts, including the arvato contract which included a minimum provision for ten NVQ apprenticeships. It was agreed that the wording for any such provisions would be circulated to all member agencies on the Board for their consideration and possible inclusion in any future contracts.
  • A query was raised as to the period of time young people were tracked, following completion of an apprenticeship. Members were informed that it was a national requirement to monitor individuals up to the age of twenty five years old and that further detailed information regarding the effectiveness of the scheme would be provided to a future meeting. A suggestion to video successful apprenticeship placements, to inspire other youngsters, was welcomed.
  • In response to how many young people also had mental health issues, it was noted that the figures provided only related to those individuals who were ready for work and did not include those individuals who had an on going medical condition.  


(Councillor Walsh joined the meeting at 5.30pm)


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Update on Sexual Health Services Procurement pdf icon PDF 147 KB


The Strategic Director of Wellbeing updated Members on the Sexual Health Review and procurements options appraisal exercise. In October 2013 a review process of Sexual Health Services in Berkshire was carried out, with the involvement of Sexual Health leads from all six unitary authorities. A comprehensive service review and Sexual Health Needs (SHN) Analysis were undertaken and completed, with a stakeholder event held on the 28th January 2014. The SHN assessment included the survey findings from young people aged 16-25 years, who are the main users of services across Berkshire.


Whilst feedback judged the sexual health clinic in Slough, the Garden Clinic, as providing good quality care in a confidential setting, the main gaps in services included the following:


  • lack of information and visibility in social media about services
  • patchy provision of young people services/condom provision
  • young people drop in services at East Berkshire College Campus at Langley and Britwell had ceased
  • limited provision of outreach contraception and health promotion services for young and vulnerable women.


Responding to whether there were capacity issues at the Garden Clinic, given that the number of users in Slough was the highest of any of the Berkshire unitary authorities, Members were assured that the Clinic was fit for purpose and that services were being delivered appropriately.   


Members were informed that following an in depth review of the current provision, including the quality delivered by the current provider, a value for money test, stakeholder and clients feedback; it was recommended that the current contract be extended for a period of three years (plus two) in order to ensure best value.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Selection as pilot for the PM Challenge Fund to improve primary care access


Board Members were provided with an update regarding Slough’s successful bid for selection as a pilot for the PM Challenge Fund to improve primary care access and noted that this was the only successful bid from the Thames Valley.


Members were reminded that following patient engagement and consultation the key area of importance for patients related to making an appointment with a GP; with 28% of people stating that they had difficulties in accessing or arranging an appointment with their GP. The survey revealed that patients wanted to be able to arrange appointments for week-end days or late evening, consultations to be carried out electronically and the facility to enable appointments to be booked/cancelled online. 


It was noted that funds of £3 million had been allocated towards initiatives to improve primary access and that a number of measures would be implemented to address this, which included:


  • Week day evening appointments until 8pm from the end of June
  • Week-end appointments from the end of July (Saturday 9am to 1pm, Sunday 2pm to 6pm)
  • A Patient Support Group to be established at each surgery.


Board Members congratulated Mr O’Donnell and his team regarding the successful bid. A Member questioned how expectations would be managed after the first year. It was explained that the intention was that the proposed arrangements would be permanent and that GP’s would be supported in developing and implementing new ways of working.


Resolved – That the Update be noted.   




Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHs) in Slough pdf icon PDF 64 KB


An update was provided on the progress of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHs) reviews that were taking place both nationally and locally.


Members were informed that demand for specialist Tier 3 CAMHs services in Berkshire had increased by 40% over the last three years. Furthermore, in April 2013 commissioning of Tier 4 highly specialised in patient services moved to NHS England. It was noted that there were no Tier 4 beds in Berkshire and that demand for such placements had led to delays in some young people accessing beds on a timely basis. This had led to further pressure on local Tier 3 CAMHs and Children’s Social Care. Changes to commissioning and budgetary arrangements within local authorities, health and education had led to a patchwork of Tier 1 and Tier 2 services being available which had led to confusion as to how to access emotional health and wellbeing support.


Concern was raised regarding the increased number of referrals to Tier 3 specialist CAMHs. It was noted that better recognition of issues by schools had contributed to the increase and that a working group had been established to address the issue. Responding to concerns regarding the availability of Tier 4 beds, Members were informed that discussions were being held with NHS England relating to the matter.


In response to the issues outlined a number of CAMHs reviews were underway and a detailed report would be submitted to the July meeting of the Slough Wellbeing Board.


Resolved – That the update be noted.


SWB Communications Update pdf icon PDF 55 KB


In order to raise the profile and understanding of the SWB across the Council, selected service user groups and partner agencies, it was proposed that a bi-monthly e-newsletter be produced following each board meeting. It was noted that the newsletter would contain links to relevant reports together with PDG updates and forthcoming events.


Members were informed that a draft newsletter would be circulated to SWB Board Members for comment, following which it would be circulated.


Resolved – That the report be noted.




SWB Development Workshop Update pdf icon PDF 51 KB


The Board was advised that Monday 30th June had been confirmed as the date for the SWB Development Workshop. Members were reminded that the workshop was being facilitated by Kings Fund and that prior to the event,  telephone interviews/conversations would be carried out with a number of SWB members, which would assist in tailoring the workshop to the needs of the SWB. It was noted that the Policy Manager would contact SWB Members regarding the telephone interviews/conversations and it was anticipated that these would be carried out on the 10th and 11th June. 


Resolved That details of the SWB Development Workshop Update be   noted.


Action Progress Report and Future Work Programme pdf icon PDF 68 KB


Details of the work programme were noted. 


Discussion was held relating to the recent changes being proposed for the provision of hospital services and the planned future merger of Wexham Park Hospital. Board Members agreed that it would be apt for a meeting to be arranged in order for a full and frank discussion to take place with regard to the proposed future arrangements for hospital service provision in the area. It was suggested that a meeting be held prior to the Health Scrutiny Panel meeting scheduled for 30th June.


Resolved –  (a)  That the work programme be noted.


(b) That a meeting of the SWB be arranged, if possible, prior to 30th June 2014 to discuss future arrangements for the provision of hospital services in the Slough area. 


Draft CCG Five Year Plan


It was brought to Board Members attention that NHS England had requested that all Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) prepare a five year strategy process.  A report was circulated for Members information, outlining the NHS five year strategy for the East Berkshire Federation; which included the Slough CCG, Bracknell and Ascot CCG and Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead CCG. Initiatives had been developed to respond to the strategic challenges facing the CCG, which included addressing the issue of a significant increase in the population of the area; with the number of people aged 65 and over in Slough expected to grow by 13.35% and a projected growth of 8.68% in the number of people aged under 16.


It was noted that the draft plan was being prepared within the context of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which set the goal that by “2028, Slough will be healthier, with reduced inequalities, improved wellbeing and opportunities for our residents to live positive, active and independent lives.”  In response to the strategic challenges facing the East Berkshire Federation, the draft strategy contained 20 initiatives organised under the following key themes:


·  wider primary care,

·  integrated care,

·  highest quality urgent and emergency care,

·  elective productivity,

·  specialist care,

·  engagement

·  system leadership.


Members were informed that the deadline for the production of a strategy was 20th June and Board Members were invited to submit their comments prior to this. A further detailed discussion would be held at the July meeting of the SWB.


Resolved – That progress made in implementing the five year CCG strategy be noted.


Attendance Record pdf icon PDF 35 KB


The Board noted details of Members attendance for meetings held during the 2013/14 municipal year. Following earlier discussions regarding the importance of the commissioning of services in the future, Board Members agreed that it was vital that the appointed representative or substitute from NHS Commissioning Board make every effort to attend future meetings in order to ensure informative discussions were held.


Resolved – (a)  That the Members Attendance record be noted.


   (b)  That a letter be sent from the Slough Wellbeing Board (SWB) to the NHS Commissioning Board regarding attendance at future meetings of SWB.




Date of next meeting

16th July 2014


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 16th July 2014.