Agenda and minutes

Slough Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 26th September, 2018 5.00 pm

Venue: Venus Suite 2, St Martins Place, 51 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3UF

Contact: Nicholas Pontone  01753 875120

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary or other Pecuniary or non pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to the circumstances described in Section 4 paragraph 4.6 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed.


The Chair will ask Members to confirm that they do not have a declarable interest.


All Members making a declaration will be required to complete a Declaration of Interests at Meetings form detailing the nature of their interest.



Councillor Pantelic declared that she was the Council’s outside body representative on Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (as a stakeholder governor) and on Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Council of Governors).


Minutes of the last meeting held on 18th July 2018 pdf icon PDF 103 KB


Resolved –  That the minutes of the meeting held on 18th July 2018 be approved as a correct record.


Action Progress Report pdf icon PDF 74 KB


The Action Progress Report was received that updated the Board on the recently completed and outstanding actions arising from previous meetings. The following updates and actions were noted:


·  Item 6: #BeRealistic Campaign Update – 18th July 2018:  All partners were reminded to send details of their lead communications officer to the Council policy team.

·  Item 9: Refreshed Terms of Reference – 18th July 2018:  The recruitment process for two new business representatives had not been successful and the positions would be re-advertised.

·  Item 10: Arrangement for Partnership Conference – 18th July 2018:  The Board discussed the plans for the conference to be held on 4th October 2018 and agreed to receive a follow up report on the outcomes at the next meeting.


Resolved –  That the Action Progress Report be noted.


Integrated Care System Update


The Chair gave an update on the progress being made on the Frimley Health & Care Integrated Care System and the current position on the East Berkshire CCG review of urgent care services.


The ‘conversation’ on urgent care had been completed with circa 2,000 responses overall being submitted, 500 of which were from Slough.  Due to the fact that no members had submitted feedback to the Chair, it had been decided not to submit a collective response on behalf of the Board.  Further work would be conducted on the options prior to a formal consultation on any proposed changes to services.


The Board was also updated on work to tackle oral health; partner engagement with the ICS; and the confirmation that the Frimley system would not be required to extend its boundaries as had been suggested as part of a national move to have fewer but larger ICSs.


Resolved –  That the update on the ICS be noted.


Refresh of Local Transformation Plan of the Children and Young People Mental Health and Wellbeing (East Berkshire) pdf icon PDF 159 KB


The Head of Children, Young People and Families at East Berkshire CCG, Janette Fullwood, gave a presentation that updated the Board on the work undertaken to refresh the Local Transformation Plan of the Children and Young People Mental Health and Wellbeing which would be submitted to NHS England in October.


The work was being led by the CCG, however, it was emphasised that it was system wide plan involving a wide range of partners.  The plan was emerging from the Government’s 2014 ‘Future in Mind’ report which made recommendations to promote resilience, early intervention, improve access to support, care for the most vulnerable and to ensure accountability. The original East Berkshire CCG plan was published in 2016 and included nine strategic priorities.  New services had been introduced such as face to face counselling and more support for those with eating disorders, anxiety and depression.  The plan was being refreshed to establish more of a system wide approach and there had been engagement with Directors of Children’s Services, children and young people and other partners which had resulted in four key outcomes being identified as set out in the report.  Delivery would be supported by key performance indicators and alignment to partners plans.


The Board had a wide ranging discussion about the emerging plan and the current position relating to mental health services for children and young people.  Concern was raised about waiting times for services which were experiencing rising demand and it was recognised that they were too long and a step change was required.  The updated outcomes were generally considered to be sound and reflected the key areas of need.  The Chief Executive of Slough Children’s Services Trust and the Director of Children, Learning & Skills also commented on the importance of linking the plan to the wider determinants and social factors contributing to the wellbeing of children and young people; recognising the impact of adverse childhood experiences; and more strongly emphasising the shift to a system wide approach to transformation by more clearly defining ‘who’ and ‘how’ to plan would be delivered.


Other issues discussed included the impact of social media in children’s mental health, funding and the timetable.  Ms Fullwood confirmed that funding was in place for two more years and the plan needed to be published by the end of October.  Communication was recognised to be a key issue to ensure children and young people, and workforces in partner organisations, were more aware of the services that were available.  Engagement had improved locally since the current plan had been published and it was stated that Slough was further ahead than many areas in terms of partnership working.  The Future in Mind Group was leading the work and it included local authority input.  It was suggested that public health involvement would also be beneficial and there was a discussion about links to the Youth Offending Team which could be strengthened.  The idea of a single website to bring together information on services was suggested to ensure information was consistent and updated.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair summarised the key points which were that the work being done to improve services and develop a strong, system wide plan be welcomed; that the overall priorities identified were the right ones; that the plan be more explicit in raising awareness of the services that were available; and that transformation come through more strongly by setting out the scale of change required.


Resolved –  That the work that had been undertaken amongst partners to refresh the priorities contained within the Local Transformation Plan be noted.


(Councillor Nazir and Lloyd Palmer left the meeting)


Tackling Slough's Health Inequalities and Wider Determinants of Health pdf icon PDF 263 KB


The Council’s Service Lead for Public Health, Dr Liz Brutus, introduced a report on health inequalities in Slough and how wider social factors affected health.  The wider determinants of health would be a key theme at the partnership conference on 4th October and the Board hoped it would be a focus of the Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System (ICS).


A presentation was given on health inequalities in Slough and the key factors included socio-economic factors, clinical care, the built environment and health behaviours such as smoking and alcohol consumption.  These factors resulted in significant variations in life expectancy particularly when wards in Slough were compared to other places in the Frimley ICS footprint.  In addition to the need to reduce inequality to improve resident’s health and life expectancy, it was recognised that there were negative impacts on productivity and higher costs to health and care providers.  The Board agreed therefore that tackling health inequalities should be a key priority and addressing the wider determinants was an important part of the strategy.


The work being done by partners to tackle health inequalities was noted and paragraph 6.7 of the report set out a number of recommendations to build understanding and plan change and put in place interventions at community and locality level.  The Board was invited to request that the Health and Social Care Partnership Board take forward this work and build upon the actions that were already being taken.


The Board welcomed the presentation and agreed that addressing issues relating to the wider determinants of health was central to the work of health and wellbeing boards.  It was agreed that the outcomes of the partnership conference should be taken forward and inform the prioritisation.  At the conclusion of the discussion, it was agreed that the report be noted and that the Health and Social Care Partnership Board take forward this work for the partnership.


Resolved –


(a)  That the work being undertaken to tackle health inequalities and target the wider determinants of health be noted.


(b)  That the Health and Social Care Partnership Board carry out further work to inform the development of a plan to coordinate further action across the wider partnership.


Delivering the Next Phase of the Leisure Strategy pdf icon PDF 346 KB


Slough Borough Council’s Leisure Services Manager, Alison Hibbert, made a presentation on the progress that had been made in delivering the Council’s 5-year Leisure Strategy agreed in 2014.  The strategy would be refreshed next year and the Board was invited to provide early input to shape the way forward in the new plan.


The four key priorities of the 2014 Leisure Strategy were outlined and progress was noted as follows:


·  A new core leisure offer by investing in new and refurbished facilities: £62m had been invested in Arbour Park, the Ice Arena, Salt Hill Activity Centre and Langley Leisure Centre refurbishments and the new leisure centre on Farnham Road.  The capital programme had been delivered on time and budget.

·  A network of free and accessible facilities in neighbourhood parks and open spaces: 18 new green gyms and trim trails in local parks, 6 new and refurbished multi-use games areas, a parkour park and cricket facilities had been provided.

·  A comprehensive programme of accessible opportunities for residents to participate in regular physical activity:  The ‘Get Active’ programme offered over 80 sport and physical activity sessions weekly had been delivered.  The evidence showed this programme was particularly effective in engaging females, children and people aged between 25-44 years old.

·  Procure a new leisure operator to manage the new core leisure facilities: Everyone Active had been contracted to manage and operate four of the new Council leisure facilities with an estimated saving to the Council of over £15m in the next ten years.  The provider indicated that there had been circa 60,000 additional visits to Montem Leisure Centre compared to 2017/18.


It was considered that the aims of the 2014 strategy had been achieved, particularly in the renewal of facilities, and the proposals for the new strategy would include clear priorities to widen and increase participation.  The remit of the Leisure Strategy Board would be revised to focus on health and wellbeing outcomes and a public consultation would take place to inform the new strategy.


The Board welcomed the progress that had been made and discussed a range of issues including the engagement of GPs and the health service to prescribe activity.  There was an opportunity to put in place a bespoke offer for the 600 children in SCST services, including a package of support for Children in Care.  It was agreed that the Trust and Council’s leisure services could take forward this proposal.  Promoting activity for children and young people more widely was considered to be a priority for the new strategy in terms of encouraging walking and cycling in the design of infrastructure, projects and services.  The relatively weak provision of accessible facilities for disabled people was raised and it was noted that the Disability Task & Finish Group of the Health Scrutiny Panel could look at this issue as part of its review.


The Board expressed a commitment to be involved in the development of the new strategy and agreed to receive a further report in 2019.


Resolved –


(a)  That the progress to date on achieving the outcomes and actions in the Council’s 5-year Leisure Strategy be noted.


(b)  That the Board consider the refreshed Leisure Strategy in 2019.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 98 KB


Members reviewed the Forward Work Programme for the Board and were encouraged to propose further items to be add.  It was agreed that the Work Programme should reflect the activities and priorities of the wider partners, not only Slough Borough Council, and an email inviting proposed items for future meetings would be sent out.


Temp. Supt Grahame suggested that a report be brought to a future meeting by Thames Valley Police on substance abuse and diversion.  This was agreed.


Resolved –  That the Forward Work Programme be agreed.


Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Update pdf icon PDF 148 KB


An information report was received that updated on the work of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Task & Finish Group.


Resolved –  That the information report be noted.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) 2018 Refresh pdf icon PDF 89 KB


An information report was received that informed the Board of the completion of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) refresh for 2018.  The key documents had been published on the Council’s website.


Resolved –  That the refreshed JSNA be noted.


Slough Prevent Board (Six Month Update) pdf icon PDF 101 KB


An information report was received that informed the Board about the recent work by the Slough Prevent Board, including activity to meet the Prevent Duty created by the Counter Terrorism and Security Act (CTSA) 2015.


Resolved –  That the work of the Prevent Board and Action Plan as at Appendix A to the report be noted.


#NotAlone Campaign Update pdf icon PDF 108 KB


An information report was received on the preparations for the third Wellbeing Board social media campaign, #NotAlone, which was due to launch on 10 November to coincide with World Mental Health Day.


Resolved –  That the information report be noted.


Recovery College Update pdf icon PDF 125 KB


An information report was received that updated the Board on preventative services being delivered in Slough, particularly the Slough Community Mental Health Team’s Hope Recovery College.


Resolved –  That the information report be noted.


Early Help Update pdf icon PDF 700 KB


An information report was received that updated on the work undertaken since the discussion at the Board meeting on 25th January 2018 to improve Slough Borough Council’s Early Help offer.


Resolved –  That the work amongst partners in Slough to safeguard children and young people through the implementation of early help be noted.


Attendance Report pdf icon PDF 44 KB


Resolved –  That the Members’ Attendance Report be noted.


Date of Next Meeting


The date of the next meeting would need to be rescheduled from the planned date of 14th November 2018 and the options of either 20th or 28th November were proposed.  It was also proposed and agreed that the meeting be held in a community setting.  The Democratic Services Officer would confirm the new date and seek to book Britwell Hub as the venue.


Resolved –  That the date of the next meeting be confirmed as either 20th or 28th November 2018 at Britwell Hub.