Agenda item

Public Path Extinguishment Orders- BR6a, FP22, FP18, Slough and FP4 Colnbrook with Poyle


With reference to the report on this matter in the meeting papers, JW informed members that for each of the Orders, the Forum had to decide whether or not to object to the making of the Order and if so, what the reasons are for objecting.


A vote was taken to decide the issue after a discussion on each of the Orders.  Laurie Tucker stated that a majority decision would be accepted.


Bridleway 6a Slough


In favour = 5   Against = 0   Abstention = 1


The LAF decided in favour of the making of the Order for Bridleway 6a Slough


Footpath 22 Slough


Ian Houghton argued that the alternative route for this footpath through the park ought to be protected, as there were no guarantees that it might not be developed in the future. 


There was some discussion surrounding the maintenance liability for the path should it be extinguished as the ownership would be in question, however these did not constitute legally relevant objections to the Order.  The vote results were as below.


 In favour = 3  Against = 1  Abstention = 2


The LAF decided in favour of the making of the Order for Footpath 22 Slough with a recommendation that the footpath is diverted along the alternative route through the park.


Footpath 18 Slough


There was some discussion surrounding the question of whether or not the path could still be of use to the public even as a dead end.  The vote results were as below.


 In favour = 4  Against = 1  Abstention = 1


The LAF decided in favour of the making of the Order for Footpath 18 Slough.


Footpath 4 Colnbrook with Poyle


Laurie Tucker and Dave Coe, residents of Colnbrook both agreed that the path was not needed or used by members of the public.  DC stated that the surface of the small link path between the Crown Meadow estate and Springfield Road, just north of the entrance to this path required some attention.  JW  is to speak to DC and arrange a site visit if required.  Jacqui Wheeler to note.


Ian Houghton stated that it goes against the grain to close footpaths.


In favour = 5  Against = 1  Abstention = 0


The LAF decided in favour of the making of the Order for Footpath 4 Colnbrook with Poyle.

Supporting documents: