Agenda item

Update on the new Permitted Development Rights for household development


The Head of Development and Control outlined a report to update Members on changes to householder permitted development rights which came into effect on 1st October, 2008. 


Members were reminded that permitted development was development that could be undertaken without the need for a planning application to be submitted to the Planning Authority.  It was hoped that in general the new regulations  would allow more freedom for people to extend their homes,  provided that the development had little or no impact beyond the host property.


It was highlighted that any householder who had already received a Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed development but had not commenced work by 1st October, 2008 would need to examine whether the proposals constituted permitted development under the new regulations.  Where development that had been carried out prior to 1st October, 2008, failed to meet the permitted development limits in force at that time but met the new permitted development limits, it was unlikely to be considered expedient to take enforcement action.  The Officer highlighted some of the important changes including those relating to corner properties and rear extensions.


It was anticipated that Member training would be provided on permitted developments in the very near future.


Resolved  -  That the report be noted.

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