Agenda item

Update on Performance regarding Speed of Determination of Planning Applications


The Head of Development and Control outlined a report to update Members on the performance of the Planning Section on National Performance Indicators, relating to the speed of determination of Minor, Major, and Other  applications.


Once again the performance had been maintained at a very high standard.  It was noted that 94% of ‘Other’ applications were dealt with within the eight week period, for the year ending 30th September, 2008, compared to 91% for the previous year.  In the case of minor applications, the current year to date figure of 86% was marginally higher than the previous year’s figure and still well above the government target of 65%.  Members were advised that the major application performance figure for the year to date was 80%; this was an improvement on last year and substantially exceeded the government target of 60%.


The Officer emphasised that it was important that this performance was maintained and there was a likelihood that the government would raise the target on all three application categories.


Resolved -  That the report be noted.