Agenda item

Local Development Framework (LDF) - Proposed action of Slough Core Strategy


The Head of Planning and Strategic Policy outlined a report, providing details of the Inspector’s report on the Core Strategy.


Members were reminded that under the new planning system, Local Authorities were obliged to produce a Core Strategy which was the key overarching policy document within the LDF, that all subsequent documents had to comply with.  The Inspector had held an examination into the Core Strategy in May of this year and had produced a report in which it was concluded that subject to some changes being made, Slough’s Core Strategy was sound.  The vast majority of these changes were agreed at the hearing and did not raise any significant issues.  It was noted that under the new system the Inspectors report was binding so there was no scope to reject her recommendations or to make further changes at this stage.  Only approximately 5% of Authorities had so far had their Core Strategies adopted therefore Slough was now ahead in the field in producing a positive LDF.


The Officer summarised the Inspector’s findings in relation to the Spatial Strategy, the Green Belt, Housing Allocation, and the type of housing that should be built.  Members also noted comments made in respect of Employment, Shopping, Transport, Heathrow Airport and Slough Intermodal Freight Exchange.  In relation to the Green Belt it was highlighted that it was appropriate for the Core Strategy to set out the intention to carry out minor boundary reviews which would then be considered in detail when lower level DPDs were prepared.  There were no significant changes to the Green Belt Policy.


The Officer concluded that the Inspector’s endorsement of the Core Strategy (subject to minor changes) was a major step forward in the development of planning policies for Slough.  A report would be submitted to Cabinet on 30th October 2008, recommending that the Core Strategy should be adopted by Full Council.  Once adopted the policies in the Core Strategy would have full weight in determining planning applications. 


Resolved  -  That the report be noted.