Agenda item

Matters Arising


Cycle Training


Laurie Tucker advised that he had spoken to Inspector Boulmer, Thames Valley Police, who would liaise with Claire Robinson, the Council’s Bike It Officer.


Cinder Track


Jacqui Wheeler (JW) advised that the graffiti near Cumberland Avenue and Sheffield Road had now been painted over. 


Checking Accessability – Canal Tow Path


It was noted that there was no response yet from British Waterways regarding the list of problems encountered during the recent site visit.


Gating Orders


In relation to the proposed Gating Order on the pathway between Mildenhall Road and Lerwick Drive, Members were advised that the results of the informal consultation held with residents were now available.  These had indicated that most residents in the immediate vicinity would like the pathway to be gated but as yet  there was no formal Council Policy, defining the percentage required before the Order would be approved. Officers had been advised that a percentage above 50% in favour should be recognised as being in favour of an Order.  There were further issues around the extent to which consultation should take place geographically.


It was noted that Kam Bhatti had prepared a draft Gating Order but this was dependent on the agreed policy being implemented. 


Provision of Cycle Stands in Town Centre


Malcolm Hellings referred to the discussion at the previous meeting in relation to cycle stands.  In his opinion there were insufficient stands within the town centre.  JW advised that these concerns would be relayed to Roger Kirkham and Rajanayagam Amirthanayagam.  Action- JW



Bridleway 17 (Wood Lane to Eton Wick)


JW referred to the suggested widening of the bridleway and the request to Eton College to dedicate extra land for this reason.  She was not convinced that the Forum should ask for the bridleway to be widened and referred to paragraph 6.1 of the Forum’s terms of reference.  As a cyclist, Ian Houghton felt that widening the bridleway would be useful and he agreed that he would look at the area.  Bruce Hicks felt that the bridleway would lose its character if it was widened.  It was agreed that JW would prepare a letter to Eton College and circulate this to Members. Action- JW