Agenda item

Any Other Business


Friends of Slough Canal

Cllr Haines addressed the Forum on behalf of the Friends of Slough Canal and advised that their remit was to promote leisure, walking and other activities near the canal.  It was hoped that the public would treat the canal almost as a park and enjoy a whole range of activities.


There were issues surrounding some footpaths leading off the canal that were situated near to and on the border of South Bucks District Council. In many cases the paths had disappeared and were no longer shown on maps.  Cllr Haines asked whether the LAF could work together with South Bucks to deal with such issues.


A Member noted that the issue of such footpaths came up regularly at meetings of Wexham Parish Council. Gerald Pleace advised that he had recently been in contact with South Bucks DC about a similar matter and he could encourage future liaison.


Agreed-  That the Forum recognises the work of the Friends of Slough Canal and welcomes and endorses the suggestion that links be forged with South Bucks DC to resolved issues around footpaths on its border with Slough BC.


Stoke Basin

In response to a question from Ken Wright, it was confirmed that no response had been received from British Waterways regarding the car parking area at Stoke Canal Basin.


Agreed-   That JW and the Chair would compile a further letter to British Waterways.  Action-  JW