Agenda item

Declarations of Interest.

(Members are reminded of their duty to declare personal and personal prejudicial interests in matters coming before this meeting as set out in the Local Code of Conduct).


The Chair, Councillor Grewal, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 3 (Castleview Scrutiny) and stated that he would vacate the chair for that item and leave the meeting.


Councillor Munkley sought clarification from Officers as to whether he would again need to declare a prejudicial interest in the same item as he had when the matter was previously discussed at the meeting on 4th November, 2008.  He was advised that circumstances were identical to those at the November meeting and that he should declare a prejudicial interest and leave the meeting whilst the item was discussed.  He accordingly did so.  He did however request that his objection to his having to leave be placed on record for the reasons previously indicated. 


Councillor Haines similarly declared a prejudicial interest and requested that his objection to the requirement under the Code of Conduct for him to leave the meeting be placed on record.