Agenda item

Canal- Site Meeting with British Waterways


Councillor Haines advised that a piece of art work produced by local school children would be displayed on the Uxbridge Road bridge during the end of June/July.  The Friends of the Canal had put in a grant for landscaping and voluntary groups such as the British Trust of Conservation Volunteers were working on the restoration of the towpath.  Spading (the turning over of grass to restore gravel) was being carried out by other voluntary groups.  It was also hoped that a number of secondary school pupils would be encouraged to assist with the spading and there would be rewards such as boat trips on the canal.  It was also hoped that this would be an opportunity to introduce young people to the canal voluntary keepers and the community wardens in the area.  It was noted that British Waterways were currently talking with the Iqra School to tidy a section of the Canal on the north side.  SBC was currently looking at Canal Basin regeneration scheme and British Waterways hoped to increase the area of the land around the Basin.  The scheme was in its infancy at the moment but it was hoped that the Canal would be seen as an asset within the area.  It was noted that Propery Services were working on the scheme at the moment. 


Agreed – That the Slough Local Access Forum would write to SBC to outline its support of the scheme and request that a presentation is made to a future Forum meeting.  Action:  JW.


Councillor Haines advised that there were concerns relating to the riding of bikes along the towpath and this issue needed to be looked at.  Action:  JW.

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