Agenda item

Update on Mildenhall Road to Lerwick Drive Gating Order


Vinay Vyas advised the Forum that the initial questionnaire that had been sent to residents had been redrafted because it was felt that the original one was not clear in its purpose.  Following objections received from Toby Evans and Ian Horton, Local Access Forum Members, the Council’s Legal Team had decided that the Gating Order could not be made.  Therefore a new questionnaire had been designed.  The Officer asked the Forum to forward any comments regarding the questionnaire to him.  An assessment of the relevant costs for the works was being considered at present and the questionnaire would then be sent to residents and a decision made on whether or not the Order should be pursued.  It was noted that when previously circulated the questionnaire had been sent to 534 houses and 138 completed forms were received.


Councillor Parmar suggested that the same format should be used for future Gating Order questionnaires.


Agreed –That Forum Members would consider the detail of the revised questionnaire and forward any comments to Vinay Vyas.