Agenda item

Gambling Act 2005, Statement of Principles (2009)


The Senior Licensing Officer advised the Committee that the authority was required to put in place a policy, known as the Statement of Principles, which would be applied when the Council exercised its functions under the Gambling Act 2005.  The original policy was placed before the Committee on 8th November, 2006 and subsequently approved by the Council in December of that year.  It was required to be reviewed at least every three years.  Officers had revised the Statement in accordance with the Gambling Commission’s “Guidance to Local Authorities, Third Edition” and the amended document was presented for the Committee’s approval prior to formal submission to the Council. 


Consultation on the revised document had taken place between April and August 2009, by way of press releases, an interview on local radio, through the Council’s website and by writing to a range of organisations and individuals.  Very little feedback had been received as the draft Statement was comprehensive and in line with legislation and the Gambling Commission’s guidance, and consultees were generally in agreement with it.  Moreover, the feature of the Gambling Act which tended to give most cause for public concern related to casinos and provisions for the regulation of casinos were not included in the draft Statement as the Council had recently reiterated its policy that no casinos should be  allowed in the Borough. 


Reference was made to the proposed amendments to the currently approved Statement of Principles which were minor in nature and complied with national guidance.


Recommended unanimously –  That the Council be recommended that the Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2009, as now submitted, be adopted as the authority’s gambling policy.

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