Agenda item

Performance and Financial Monitoring for 2009/10


The Strategic Director of Improvement and Development introduced the performance and financial monitoring report which focused on performance management, human resources statistics, and the revenue monitoring position to the end of August.  He drew attention in particular to the areas of good and less than satisfactory performance in the Balanced Scorecard for the first quarter of the current year.  Members raised the following issues:-


  • Members requested that, in future, numbers rather than percentages be provided as these were more meaningful.
  • The Chair sought further information about the decision of the Employment and Appeals Committee to show Sikhs as a separate category.
  • A Member sought further information regarding the “expensive client” (referred to in paragraph 5.31) including an assurance that the action taken was appropriate to their particular needs. 
  • Members suggested that it would be helpful if the format of the report could be amended to highlight the “red” indicators all in one place. 
  • The Chair sought further information on the number of black and minority ethnic individuals at the more senior levels in the authority.
  • Reference was made to the concerns raised at the previous meeting on the number of appraisals being undertaken within the authority and the Director referred to the steps which had been taken including the launching of a new appraisal scheme in the near future and the requirement that most appraisals take place between May and July so that monitoring was facilitated. 


Resolved  - That the position be noted.

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