Agenda item

Private Sector Housing and Houses in Multiple Occupation - Surveys 2009


The Private Sector Housing Manager presented an information report on the results of the recent private sector housing and houses in multiple occupation condition surveys.  She highlighted the main findings and referred to the implications for the authority which included:-


  • Reducing the number of dwellings with a Category 1 hazard. 
  • Increasing the number of households living in decent homes, specifically the proportion of private sector housing in decent condition occupied by vulnerable households.
  • Reducing energy consumption and domestic carbon dioxide emissions of private sector stock.
  • Reducing the number of vacant properties.
  • Licensing HMOs and improving the number in good condition.
  • Reviewing all of the Council’s policies against the new data to ensure that it targeted and used its resources as effectively as possible, in meeting the needs of the community.


Existing resources and the funding allocated from other resources such as the migration impact fund would be used to address the issues raised. 


Members asked a number of questions of clarification of the officer, particularly in regard to the trend for sheds and similar buildings in back gardens to be used as residential accommodation.  The officer commented that a multi-agency meeting was to be held with a view to looking at options for tackling this particular issue and gauging the scale of the problem, given that a significant number of such buildings had been identified and there would be implications for homelessness, etc. if they were simply closed down.  Examples of best practice by other local authorities were also being examined.  Members expressed their considerable concern at this particular issue.


Resolved – That the report be noted. 

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