Agenda item

Matters Arising


Cinder Track linked to Farnham Royal


Jacqui Wheeler (JW) advised that Bucks County Council had confirmed that the Farnham Royal Parish Council had agreed in principle to the upgrade.  Work was now needed to check whether or not the Order to upgrade the path could be proceeded with. 


SEGRO proposals for Slough Trading Estate


The Forum was advised that a planning application had been received and this would be determined during the period between January and March 2010.  JW advised that there were two possible routes shown on a Plan tabled at the meeting.  A Member questioned whether or not there was a guaranteed access route and was advised that it had not been stipulated whether this was a public right of way or a permitted path.  Savio DeCruz advised that there were several different agreements in place as the land in question was owned by several individuals but it was likely that a preferred route would be adopted. 




(a)  That JW refer the LAF’s comments regarding the situation of the path and the contaminated land to the relevant Officer.


(b)  That the LAF recommends that the path be sited within SEGRO land.

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