Agenda item

Performance and Financial Reporting for 2009/10


Performance and Financial Reporting for 2009/10  -

The Assistant Director, Transformational Change, presented a report to the Committee outlining the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management. The report focused on several key areas, including: –


·  Performance Indicator L27 (% of staff with appraisals in place)

The Committee was informed that the percentage of completed staff appraisals had increased to 27.2% from 21.9 % in December, 2009. A Member emphasised the importance of staff appraisals in creating satisfied and productive staff and expressed concern that the Council was not on track to reach target. Following this, a Member queried who was responsible for conducting appraisals and was informed that Line Managers are required to carryout annual staff appraisals for each member of their teams. The Assistant Director, Transformational Change, outlined several proposed actions to improve performance, including; the implementation of a timetable to align with the service planning cycle, the introduction of new simplified forms accompanied by staff briefings, and the inclusion of an additional sign-off stage within the process to improve monitoring and compliance. The aim was to achieve a culture shift with regard to these processes within the Council. The Strategic Director of the Green and Built Environment suggested that the number of appraisals completed was likely to be in excess of the figures reported as it was known that an issue existed with regard to managers failing to complete or send off the covering paper work. A review was currently examining the detailed cost and staff time required for early implementation of the Oracle Performance management module to support the appraisal process. A publicity and communications campaign to improve take up, would be considered once Oracle/ new forms are in place.


·  Proposed Change to Performance Monitoring in place for Overview and Scrutiny

The Assistant Director, Transformational Change, detailed a proposed change to the current approach to performance monitoring, to be applied on a pilot basis, to allow the sub-panels to have a key role in scrutinising performance relating to their specific areas and to pass their feedback to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  This alternate approach had been agreed upon at a recent meeting of the Chairs of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Panels. A Member cautioned against the duplication of work between the Committee and panels and highlighted the need for the relevant Chairs to manage the discussions.


·  Financial Reporting

The Strategic Director of the Green and Built Environment updated the Committee with regard to the Council’s current financial position. The net revenue budget for 2009/10 was £102.6m; however, there was a projected overspend of £753k for this period. This figure had been managed down from the overspend projection of £850k reported at the previous meeting. £230k of savings, arising from the re-profiling of the capital programme and the review of earmarked reserves, had been made but had been offset by corresponding pressures arising from client placement budgets. A Member requested confirmation that the savings made within the Community and Wellbeing Directorate, as a result of the reduction of 300 hours during October with regard to Home Care, was natural wastage and not cutbacks in such an important service area. The Strategic Director Green and Built Environment advised that these were understood to be valid efficiency savings.


Several potential budgetary variances were identified in relation to a number of emerging issues/risks, including:


§  There was no contingency within the Community and Wellbeing Directorate to cope with any possible surge in new placements that may occur in the coming winter months and the current strategy of ‘1 in 1 out’ may not contain a change in demand.

§  The volatility across client placements remained an area of concern for the Education and Children’s Services Directorate and close scrutiny with preventative services being advocated where appropriate was required.

§  Any further problems with the Energy from Waste (EfW) plant would impact on the budget for the Green and Built Environment Directorate by virtue of alternative disposal costs. In addition, there was currently a reduction in fee income with respect to planning applications due to the receipt of fewer applications.


Resolved: –


(a)  That the report be noted

(b)  That performance information be broken down according to directorate and presented to the relevant sub-panels on a pilot basis for the next performance reporting cycle to provide the sub-panels with the opportunity to consider performance and pass their feedback to the Overview &Scrutiny Committee.

(c)  That an update on the progress achieved with regard to staff appraisals be presented to the Committee at its next meeting.


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