Agenda item

Adult Participation in Sport and Physical Activity - National Indicator 8


Appendices 1 and 2 to the report were tabled for the Committee’s consideration.


The Committee considered a report outlining the authority’s performance against the National Indicator for adult participation in sport and physical activity (NI 8). NI 8 was measured by the number of people doing 3 x 30 minutes of sport or moderate intensity physical activity each week and had been selected as one of Slough’s Local Area Agreement (LAA) priority measures. Results for NI 8 for 2008/9 reported a continued drop in Slough’s performance to 16.1% compared with the previous baseline of 19.4% and the target of 20.4%. A new delivery plan to address this issue had been developed and initial priorities were focused upon encouraging inactive people to become active and making participation opportunities accessible and affordable to all. Links were currently being made with other local authorities to learn from good practice  and the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA), were providing expert challenge, benchmarking and practical advice to make sure Slough’s improvement plan for NI 8 was the best it could be. It was emphasised, however, that NI 8 used a narrow definition of participation in sport and physical activity and therefore, many people who were physically active would not be included in the performance results, including those individuals who regularly walked or cycled. Local measures were being developed to provide a clear picture of trends and to identify where additional or different actions would be required.


In the subsequent discussion, Members raised several issues including:


  • A Member queried the relative importance of factors which deterred people from undertaking physical activity such as poverty and pressures on time. The Head of Culture and Sports Delivery referred the Committee to Appendix 2, ‘Customer Visits - Slough Community Leisure’,  noting that a fall in the number of visits broadly coincided with the economic downturn. However, further to this, the NI 8 measure was limited and did not recognise activities such as yoga, Pilates or dance. A Member advised that interest in different sports often related to the profile of the sport and the Head of Culture and Sports Delivery informed the Committee that demand for certain facilities increased with high profile events such as Wimbledon or the airing of  television shows, such as Dancing on Ice.


  • With reference to team activities such as Sunday morning football, a Member queried how the Council was encouraging continued participation in such activities. The Head of Culture and Sports Delivery advised that work was currently being done in partnership with schools and colleges to address the drop-off rate, which was particularly high for women, and to encourage initial activity.


  • A Member queried whether the proposals currently being considered regarding the redevelopment of the Tennis Centre were in-keeping with the long term strategy for increasing physical activity. The Strategic Director, Community and Wellbeing clarified that both redevelopment proposals submitted had envisaged a tennis offer. Further to this, one proposal included the development of a Ten Pin Bowling facility which was an activity that counted towards NI 8.


  • A Member enquired whether the Council was actively pursuing the Change4Life Initiative and Officers advised that the Council was currently working with partners on this initiative and some external funding had been secured.


  • With regard to the forthcoming 2012 Olympics, a Member highlighted the opportunities created by this to engage people in sport and enquired as to whether such opportunities were being utilised. The Head of Culture and Sports Delivery advised that there was extensive work taking place to maximise these opportunities, particularly within schools and local sports clubs.


  • A Member enquired how the Council ensured that the Leisure/Sporting Offer in Slough was responsive to residents’ preferences and was informed that feedback was gathered in several ways. A survey conducted on the High Street during 2008 had revealed a demand for activities such as Yoga and Pilates and had subsequently fed directly into a programme of activities. A healthy walking scheme had recently been re-launched and was proving to be very popular. 


  • A concern was raised regarding prices of vending machine items in Slough’s sports facilities, as these were seen to be somewhat prohibitive. The Committee was advised that this was an issue which had been recognised previously by the Managing Director of Slough Community Leisure and was being reviewed.


  • A Member asked whether the Council had any influence over the definition of the national indicator and was informed that it did not and that consequently, the Council was establishing local indicators to provide a comprehensive overview of participation in sport and physical activity in Slough. However, by failing to achieve the national indicator the Council would not receive the associated financial award.


Resolved -


(a)  That the report be noted


(b)  That a progress report be submitted to the Committee meeting in June/July regarding the council’s performance in relation to NI 8


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