Agenda item

Slough Borough Council's Carbon Management Plan 2009/10


Kevin Gordon, Assistant Director, Transformational Change, outlined a report to update the Committee on the Council’s Carbon Management programme.


The Committee noted that the Government’s target was to reduce UK direct emissions of carbon dioxide by 34% by the year 2020 and by 80% by the year 2050.  At present emissions were in the region of 560 million tonnes per annum and it was thought that 8% of this was from the public sector.  The Council was one of the largest employers in Slough and its activities resulted in significant carbon emissions.  The Council hoped to become climate neutral by 2020 and had signed the Nottingham declaration on climate change and was developing the climate change strategy for publication in March 2010. 


The Officer discussed the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) and also referred to National Indicators 185 and 186 which related to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the percentage reduction per capita in each local authority which would be reported annually.


The Committee noted that an objective within the Council’s Sustainable Community Strategy and Strategic Plan, 2009/2011, was to “enjoy a high quality environment”.  The Council recognised that it should take a positive lead in reducing its impact on the environment by taking measures to increase energy efficiency which would in turn help to reduce energy costs.  This was important for the future given the predicted increases in energy and fuel costs which had seen a dramatic rise in recent years with energy prices increasing by well over 50% since 2004. 


The Officer advised that in 2009, Slough Borough Council was selected to take part in the Carbon Trusts Local Authority Carbon Management (LACM7) Programme.  A Carbon Management Plan was being developed as a result of this and its target was to reduce CO2 emissions across its own buildings street lighting, business travel and transport fleet by 40% by April 2014. The Officer discussed the five processes within the LACM7 which included the mobilisation of the organisation, setting baseline forecasts and targets and creating the implementation plan which was the final step of the Carbon Trusts Programme and the beginning of a four year process.  It was also noted that an Annual Carbon Management report would be prepared for endorsement by the Carbon Management Programme Board, the Climate Change Partnership Delivery Group of Slough Forward, the Corporate Management Team, and Elected Members.  This would be endorsed at the end of each financial year, up to and including 2014. 


An Interim measure would commit the Council to achieving a 10% reduction in CO2 emissions by December 2010.  The Committee noted that the financial value at stake of the carbon management programme was £12.3m, i.e., the projected accumulated savings that could be realised over the period 2009/2014 if emissions were cut by 40%. 


The Officer referred the Committee to a table showing the financial costs of the programme and sources of funding for the five year period from 2009/10 to 2013/14.  It was noted that in year 2 of the plan, 2010/11, the Council intended to fund the £1,343,651 from planned maintenance or capital improvement budgets where possible.  It was noted however that £951,699 of the capital needed for this particular year still had to be found and a bid was being prepared to the Council’s capital and assets group to cover this anticipated shortfall in expenditure.  The Committee noted that ‘Salix’ funding would be made use of for certain eligible projects subject to match funding being found across the council.  The first tranche of £50,000 had been received from Salix finance and this would be matched funded from the Council by the end of March 2010 and committed to a number of Salix compliant capital projects.  It was recognised that as part of the Council’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions it would also be necessary to supplement the Council’s existing capital resources with additional funding (such as that from the Salix energy efficiency loan scheme) so that the Council could fulfil its corporate priorities and commitment to reducing carbon emissions. 


The Committee noted the benefits and savings of the programme over the five year period and it was highlighted that in the year of the programme 2010/11, there was an estimated annual cost saving to the Council of £915,139 if all of the projects identified in the plan were implemented.  This would reduce to £52,309 by year 5 meaning that the programme board and project team would need to identify further project options from year 3 of the plan onwards in order to fully maximise both the savings and benefits of the programme.


In the ensuing debate, members raised a number of questions/comments, including the following:-


  • A Member asked how much carbon emission would be saved in the Heart of Slough scheme.  The Officer was advised that he was aware there had been some discussion on thermal heating within the development and clearly new buildings would be assessed within the scheme to check their carbon emissions. 
  • In relation to the deficit in funding during the identified three year period, a Member asked how this would be done as this was  a difficult task in his opinion.  The Officer advised that the administration would need to identify funds for this purpose. 
  • The subject of creating fuel from household waste was of particular interest to a Member and he asked whether any progress had been made within the Council in examining this source of energy.  The Officer was unable to comment on this but advised that he would refer the question to the relevant Director.
  • A Member noted that schools represented 41% of the carbon emissions and asked what could be done to rectify this.  He also commented that it appeared that only the Grammar Schools in the town were receiving funding for works and it appeared that other community schools were not receiving this.  He asked why this was the case.  The Officer advised that he was unable to respond to this particular query and would refer the question to the relevant Director. 
  • It was noted in relation to short and medium term projects that a lot of expenditure would be required for equipment such as mechanical equipment and a member asked whether the replacement/ maintenance costs of such equipment was taken into account in the calculations.  The Officer replied that this was not the case and for example where a new boiler was fitted the costing would have been for the initial cost of the boiler.  The Member argued in this case that the calculations had not been done correctly and it could be that the Council would end up paying significantly more costs to cover maintenance where needed.  The Officer advised that he would take this comment back to the relevant Director.




a)  That the report be noted.

b)  That the Committee support the proposal that the draft Carbon Management Plan (at Appendix A) is considered by Cabinet on 8 March 2010.

c)  That the Committee Support the activities listed in Section 4 of Appendix A of the report.

d)  That the Committee places on record its concern that given the scale of the plan, there are sufficient financial resources to progress the plan and necessary actions.



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