Agenda item

Presentation by the Chief Constable, Thames Valley Police


Sara Thornton, Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, accompanied by Superintendent Richard Humphrey, Local Area Commander (LAC) for Slough, made a presentation to the Committee outlining the strategy for Policing in Thames Valley 2010 /11 and referring in particular to the Slough policing area.  There was a clear focus on continuing to improve public confidence and

awareness of the police role in line with the Policing Pledge. For the Slough area, all the targets set for the 2009/10 period, bar 2, had been achieved. Targets for 2010/11 for the Slough area focussed upon improving detection rates and reducing the level of serious acquisitive crime.


On completion of the presentation, the Chair advised that two questions had been submitted by members of the public for the attention of the Chief Constable. After a brief discussion on these questions, it was agreed that answers would be provided direct to the individuals. Following this, Members raised several issues including: -


  • A Member queried whether additional funding was available in consideration of Slough’s proximity to Heathrow and the ‘poor’ rating received in relation to the detection of serious crime. The Chief Constable advised that the Inspectorate Constabulary had assigned this rating; however, 3 out of 4 measures for this category had been rated as ‘fair’ and only 1 as ‘poor’. In the previous year, no specific targets had been set with regard to detection; this was now being focussed on in the targets for 2010 – 2011. With regard to funding for the policing of the Slough area, approximately 2 thirds of the total funding was drawn from a government grant and 1 third from the Thames Valley Police precept, agreed locally. This issue had been raised by the Committee previously and a letter had been sent by the Chief Executive to the Chief Constable to request further elucidation of the matter. A response had been sent which set out the details of the funding arrangements. 


  • Following this, a Member sought further clarification regarding the specific criteria used to determine funding across authorities and was advised that there were several categories on which force budgets were allocated. The TVP Authority received a grant for the Berkshire East area, which was then allocated between the various policing areas. The formula used to determine the funds for each area related to their respective crime statistics. 


  • A query was raised in relation to staffing issues resulting from sharing a boundary with the Metropolitan police area. The Chief Constable informed the meeting that previously TVP had been losing approximately 80-90 staff per year to the Metropolitan Police, although this figure had fallen to circa 30 in the past year. This followed considerable work carried out by TVP to counter this trend. Such work included reaching an agreement with the national negotiating board to allow an increase in the South East allowance from £2000 to £3000, although this increase, when implemented, would have to be funded via the local area budget. It was highlighted to the Panel that there was a concern that the number of transfers to the Metropolitan Police could rise in the lead up to the Olympics as there would be an increased need for specialist officers.


  • A Member enquired whether the pledge to have police spending 80% of their time on the beat related to all police or whether it included PCSOs. The Chief Constable advised that this related to neighbourhood teams which included Neighbourhood Sergeants, Constables and PCSOs.


  • A query was raised regarding what arrangements were in place to cope with cross boundary issues, particularly in relation to funding and the provision of resources. The Committee was advised that liaison with the Metropolitan Police occurred primarily at two key levels; at force level via the intelligence bureau, and through liaison between Local Area Commanders. The latter of these tended to focus on specific issues. A joint force intelligence ICT system was planned but an implementation date had not yet been set. With regard to funding and provision of resources, the area in which an incident occurred would be responsible for addressing the issue, unless it was deemed an emergency situation in which case other forces would respond as necessary. The Local Area Commander further advised that a sophisticated tactical assessment took place on a weekly basis which allowed resources to be directed as needed.


The Chair thanked the Chief Constable and the Area Commander for attending the meeting and responding to Members’ questions.