Agenda item

Appointment of Licensing Sub Committee and Designated Chairs


Members were reminded that in May 2006 the Licensing Committee had established a Licensing Sub-Committee and agreed its terms of reference as set out in the Appendix to the report.  The Committee had also agreed to the appointment of Designated Chairs of the Sub-Committee and that these Members would chair the meetings of the Sub-Committee on a rota basis.  It was also brought to members attention that the Sub-Committee would consist of 3 members to be drawn on a rota basis from the Members of the Licensing Committee on a politically proportionate basis.  It was noted that as Labour Group had an overall majority on the Council the Sub-Committee would comprise two Labour Members and one Member of BILLD Group. 


Whilst noting the proposed recommendations in the report, a number of Members expressed concern that there would be no Conservative Group representation on the Sub-Committee.  A Member proposed that the Sub-Committee consist of a BILLD and Conservative member who would rotate on each of the Sub-Committees.  It was noted that this recommendation would be taken back and discussed at both the BILLD and Conservative Group meetings and reported to a future meeting.


Resolved  -


(a)  That a Licensing Sub-Committee be established with terms of reference as set out in Appendix A.


(b)  That Councillors MacIsaac, Rasib and Sohal be appointed as Designated Chairs of the Sub-Committee for 2010/11 municipal year. 

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