Agenda item

Proposed Increase in Hackney Carriage Fares


The Licensing Manager reported that a request had been received from the Slough Taxi Drivers Union, to increase the current hackney carriage fares.  Details of the proposed changes were highlighted for Members consideration.  Members were reminded that the Licensing Committee in January 2007 had resolved that the costs of advertising the fare charges in a local newspaper were to be met by the Hackney Vehicle Proprietors from the next submission of  proposed fare increases.  Members were informed that the Drivers Union had confirmed that the cost of the advertisement for this increase would be divided by the 107 Proprietors and payable at the next renewal of their licence. 


Mr Badial addressed the Committee on behalf of the Drivers Union by stating that Hackney Carriage Fares had remained constant for the past three years.  However, following the recent recession and current economic climate, drivers were faced with substantial costs of maintenance of vehicles, steep fuel prices and increased insurance costs. It was therefore recommended that the fares needed to be increased to adjust to the cost of living. 


Mr Badial stated that there was an adjustment to the proposed fee table as appended to the report in Appendix B, with the removal of ‘all day any other bank holiday’ being removed from the tariff rates. In summary, Mr Badial stated that a modest increase in fares was being requested.


In the ensuing discussion, Members questioned whether information relating to fares in neighbouring local authorities was available as a comparative indicator. The Licensing Manager stated that Members were being requested to set fares which in their opinion were reasonable and that this could vary between authorites. 




(a)  That the proposed table of fares as appended to the report in Appendix B be approved.


(b)  That the cost of advertising to be met by the Hackney Vehicle Proprietors.

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