Agenda item

Appeal against Termination of Employment


The Sub-Committee had convened to consider an appeal from an employee against the termination of his contract of employment with the Authority.  The appellant was present and was accompanied by his union representative. 


The Sub-Committee was advised by the legal representative that an appeal  had been lodged by the appellant in respect of the outcome of his grievance hearing and this had not yet been determined.  It was confirmed that it was not remit of the Sub-Committee to hear a grievance appeal and this would be dealt with under the procedure set down in the Council’s grievance policy.


The Sub-Committee carefully considered the information provided by the legal representative and considered that it was inappropriate to hear the appeal against Termination of Employment until the grievance process had been fully exhausted.  The Sub-Committee therefore adjourned the appeal hearing so that the grievance process could be concluded.


Resolved  That the meeting be adjourned until the appeal under the grievance procedure is determined and that the Sub-Committee be reconvened to consider the appeal against Termination of Employment.