Agenda item

Matters Arising (other than those on the agenda)


Stoke Poges Lane – Elliman Avenue Junction – JW advised that a response had been received from the Traffic Department which advised that they had expected the works to be completed by the end of the summer holidays.  A further response had been received which stated that cabling had been completed but there were some financial issues with the sub-contractor. Members raised concerns that this had still not been completed and requested further clarity from Traffic and an estimated completion date.


Cinder Track – A letter had been drafted and was due to be sent out to the head of highways, however it has come to light that it would be more appropriate to address the letter to the head of transport. Members agreed for this to be changed and the letter sent.


Ditton Park – According to the agreement with Computer associates any closure of the route needed to be reported to the Council and publicly displayed 21 days beforehand.  AD advised that if this was not carried out Computer Associates could be notified that their obligations were not being met and enforcement action could follow if required. The planning contract was with Windsor and Maidenhead Borough Council and JW agreed to contact them on behalf of the LAF. Furthermore it was suggested that Enterprise wardens would check the status of the gate when they were in the park and then report back to BH.