Agenda item

Cinder Track Action Plan


The LAF considered the latest Cinder Tack action Plan. Regarding the sweeping of the path members were informed that community payback had completed some workcutting back the vegetation along the path but had not done the sweeping and were unable to do the weeding as the spraying had not yet been completed. It had been requsted that they return to complete these tasks, a date for which was yet to be agreed. With regards to ‘Slough sheds’ housing had visited the area and several occupied outbuildings have been identified. Letters had been sent out to request the removal of bathrooms and kitchens. It was thought the the issues concerning gating could be removed from the action plan as this was on a spur section and not part of the public highway.


Resolved: - That the action plan be noted and that a date for a future visit to  the Cinder Track be circulated by JW.


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