Agenda item

LTP 3 - ROWIP Integration and Walking and Cycling Strategies update

Walking and Cycling Interactive Map – demo



The Forum was advised that, at present the draft walking strategy supplementary document and draft cycling strategy were not ready to be consulted on but Members would be kept update on progress.


A demonstration of an interactive map of Slough was made to the Forum and comments were sought from members.  TE asked what the arrangements were for updates with the private company hosting the website.  JW advised that with an upgrade the Council would be able to make any required updates. At present a search could be conducted for facilities within a 1k distance from any address in Slough. A Member suggested that it would be useful for Members of the public to be able to report problems, e.g. potholes as this would help the Council identify locations more easily. Members commented that the watermark on the map made it very difficult to view the details on the map. It was thought that this was a requirement for every map hosted but changes to improve visibility would be looked into. AD suggested that it would be useful to have roadworks added to the map.


JW requested that any further comments on the map be emailed to her. The Council were still looking into securing the upgrade for the system but it was noted that this would address some of the suggestions made by the Forum.