Agenda item

Annual Audit Letter 2009/10


That subject, to any comments of the Audit Committee, that the report and the recommendations contained therein be accepted and that the Council’s Corporate Plan and the appropriate service plans be amended to address the recommendations.


The Chair invited Mr Sharman, the Council’s District Auditor, to introduce the Audit Commission’s Annual Audit Letter 2009/10.  The report summarised the Auditor’s findings from the 2009/10 Audit and comprised of two elements:


·  the audit of the financial statements and

·  an assessment of the Council’s arrangements to achieve value for money in use of resources. 


The Audit of the financial statements had been issued on the 30th September, 2010 and the report included an unqualified opinion on the financial statements for the year ending 31st March 2010.  An unqualified value for money conclusion had also been issued stating that, in all significant aspects, Slough Borough Council had made proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources for the year ending 31st March, 2010.  The report also identified key areas of continued improvement and areas for development and further improvement.  Mr Sharman confirmed that the Council had taken a positive and helpful approach to the Audit and thanked the Council’s staff for their support and co-operation. 


Members noted that the report would be considered by the Audit Committee the following evening. 


Mr Sharman was asked whether the value for money key line of enquiry would continue in the future.  Members were advised that the approach to assessing value for money in 2011/12 would focus on financial resilience.  A Member present under Rule 30, whilst welcoming the unqualified opinion sought clarification with regard to a number of details in the report with regard to internal financial control, the pension fund and existing policies and procedures with regard to early retirement payments.  The Chair thanked Mr Sharman for his attendance at the meeting.


Resolved  -   That subject, to any comments of the Audit Committee, the report and the recommendations contained therein be accepted and that the Council’s Corporate Plan and the appropriate service plans be amended to address the recommendations.

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