Agenda item

Play Area Development


(a)  That the achievements over the two years in the provision of play and in the improvements made to the Council’s play areas across the borough be noted.

(b)  That officers develop a new play strategy which will detail the strategic approach to be adopted for play area maintenance and development over the next three to five years.




The Cabinet considered a report setting out progress on the development and improvement of Slough’s play areas and play development programme and seeking approval to develop a play strategy for the next 3-5 years. 


Members noted that much work had been undertaken to improve the town’s play provision using both external and Council funding.  Over the last two years and up to May 2011 over 30 play areas (41%) across all wards would have received investment to improve the quality of play provision.  It was acknowledged that Slough was well served for play provision as compared to neighbouring authorities and that Slough had a high customer satisfaction rate as a direct result of the play improvement programme. 


A new strategy was required in order to build upon this work and ensure that recent improvements and those agreed in the future were sustainable particularly in the face of fiscal challenges facing the public sector and provide play provision of quality to children and young people within a maximum 10 minutes walk of their home.  Members were advised that it was proposed that a new play strategy for the town would be presented to the Cabinet in July 2011 following consultation.  It would be a corporate strategy and would ensure that play provision was delivered in a way which integrated with other related functions of the council notably Town Planning, Housing, Parks and Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation provision and Sports and Arts development.  Members welcomed the proposed strategy and the work that had been undertaken on the Town’s play provision as it was a direct election manifesto pledge to provide quality play within a 10 minute walk of children’s home. 


Members noted a couple of minor changes to the appendix - Granville Avenue not Road and Manorpark Field being completed in April 2011 not March 2011.


Resolved –


(a)  That the achievements over the two years in the provision of play and in the improvements made to the Council’s play areas across the borough be noted.


(b)  That officers develop a new play strategy which will detail the strategic approach to be adopted for play area maintenance and development over the next three to five years.

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