Agenda item

Review of Scrutiny


The Committee received a report which detailed the current Scrutiny Structure and proposals to streamline Scrutiny Panels and ensure effective scrutiny.  The subject had been discussed in part within the medium Term Financial Plan report that was considered earlier in the agenda.


Resolved- That the report be noted and that the following changes to Scrutiny be recommended with effect from the Annual meeting of the Council (19th May 2011):


a)  To initially reduce the number of Standing Panels from four to three by combining the Community Leisure & Environment and Neighbourhood & Renewal panels.

b)  To subsequently consider the possibility of reducing the number of Standing Panels to two, subject to future clarity regarding the authority’s statutory obligations as a result of changes relating to the provision and monitoring of health services.

c)  That Democratic Services continues to provide a full clerking service to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and to the Health Scrutiny Standing Panel (both statutory obligations) and that the Scrutiny Officer services the remaining two Scrutiny Standing Panels.

d)  Subject to (c) above that the minutes and records of the two non-statutory Scrutiny Standing Panels be confined to factual listing, bullet point and recommendations/resolutions for each meeting with no summary of debate.

e)  That the authority’s participation in the Joint East Berkshire Health & Overview Scrutiny be kept under review. 

f)  That the Committee and proposed three Standing Panels adopt a more robust focus on (and review of) priorities, setting clear objectives for their work at the beginning of each municipal year to best define activities and aid effective focussed scrutiny within a reduced budget.


and that:


   g) That the Committee consider a further report on the effectiveness of the current scrutiny arrangements at its meeting on 31st March, 2011.


Supporting documents: