Agenda item

Draft Asset Management Plan and Capital Strategy 2011 - 2016


Julie Evans, Strategic Director of Resources, outlined the Asset Management Plan and Capital Strategy 2011-16 for comment. The Committee was advised that Cabinet would be requested to approve the strategy at its meeting on the 7th February, 2011. 


The Director advised that the Asset Management Plan set out the basis on which the Council owned, managed and utilised its Property Assets. All Directorates undertook  reviews of their current assets, and ensured that they  were managed efficiently to deliver the Council’s Community Strategy. The Committee was referred to the schedule of assets identified for disposal and review and it was noted that an Internal Working Group would be established to carry out a continual review of assets in conjunction with the Capital Assets Group.  The review of Property Assets would identify revenue savings from more efficient use of assets, shared use with partners and vacation and disposal where retention could no longer be justified. The delivery of savings to the Council’s Revenue budgets and Capital Receipts from disposal would assist the funding of the Council’s Capital programme.


In the ensuing debate, Members raised a number of questions/ comments, including the following (responses in italics):


  • Would it be possible to earmark land for social housing, e.g. Wexham House?


Michael Condon, Head of Asset Management, advised that Slough BC had no land allocated for housing that had not already been transferred and used for housing purposes.  In respect of Wexham House it was felt that the market would have to decide.  A decision would be made on the future use of the TV Infant School.


  • A number of Members were concerned that the car park in Sheehy Way was listed as category C, i.e. expensive to run,  not fit for purpose and/or had a potential capital receipt.  It was argued that the car park was heavily used by three local institutes and had been used in a similar manner for the last 20 years.  To remove this facility would cause severe problems in the local community.


The Officer advised that the car park would not be declared as surplus and acknowledged that it was invaluable at weekends.  He advised that a number of requests had been received to purchase the site and he wanted to see if there was another solution for the Gurdwara and the possibility of parking at a nearby garage site would be explored. The Committee was advised that there was no proposal to close the Sheehy Way Car Park at present and the provision of additional car parking would be examined.




(a)  That the Committee note the recommendations that will be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 7th February, 2011.

(b)  That the Committee recommends to Cabinet that the Sheehy Way car park listed within the schedule of Category C Assets (UPRN ref 8046) be retained as it is fully utilised at all times and an essential facility for users of the adjacent premises.


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