Agenda item

Britwell and Haymill Regeneration Scheme- Update


John Rice, Interim Assistant Director, Property and Regeneration, provided the Committee with a verbal update on the Britwell and Haymill Regeneration Scheme.  He advised that Cabinet had at its meeting on 7th February, 2011 considered a report setting out the latest developments and seeking approval to proceed with a series of works to enable progress to the Regeneration Scheme.  The Committee was reminded that there had been uncertainty around the Homes and Community Agencies (HCA) funded residential element of the scheme due to the change in government and the effects of the comprehensive spending reviews which had cut the HCA budget.  The HCA had now confirmed that a significant sum of monies would be available to the Authority before the end of the year to support measures to progress the regeneration. 


The Committee was advised that at its meeting on 14th March, Cabinet would consider various matters including  the issue of detailed planning consent for the residential element of the project, at Kennedy Park and negotiations would take place with SEGRO the public open space element of the land. The Assistant Director advised that residents had been consulted on options for major improvement works to Kennedy Park and the adjacent SEGRO land and a consultation document was tabled for members’ information.  Other measures under discussion included the appointment of a contractor to refurbish premises on Wentworth Avenue to create a facility to re-house the Britwell library and community facilities. 


The Committee noted that Cabinet would consider the demolition of the garage court to the rear of Wentworth Avenue and the requirement for Officers to work with the Britwell Scouts and Guides Groups to identify and agree alternative accommodation for their premises, possibly on the Wentworth Industrial Estate. 


In response to a member question regarding the consultation, Kate Pratt, Communications, SBC advised that the consultation document had been distributed to 4,000 properties.


Resolved – That the update report be noted.