Agenda item

Phase 1 and 2 Britwell and Haymill Regeneration Scheme - from concept to reality


That the progress reported at Appendix B be noted.


(a)  That Sites 3-5 on the Plan at Appendix A, be subject to individual redevelopment for the supply of Slough Borough Council social housing.

(b)  That subject to 2 (a) above, at the earliest opportunity, the tenants from Wentworth Flats be relocated and given prior consideration for the new housing, subject to the normal rules about property size relating to tenants needs;

(c)  That subject to 2 (a) above, to work with the commercial tenants in the properties immediately beneath the Wentworth Flats and in the properties facing the Flats to further discuss their future needs and aspirations;

(d)  That the existing capital provision of £1.679 million previously reported, be increased to £2,679 million by combining all Britwell regeneration activity funding into a single Britwell Regeneration Scheme.  These funds, plus the £6 million HRA contribution for the social housing are to fund the cost of the Britwell Community hub, make provision for the preliminaries required and development of the three satellite housing sites and associated costs.

(e)  That a further update report be made to the next Cabinet meeting.



The Cabinet considered a report which detailed the progress made following the most recent decisions by Cabinet and which sought approval for further accelerating the delivery of the Britwell Regeneration Scheme. There was a proposal to bring together sites in the Council’s ownership to enable the relocation of the residents from Wentworth Flats to further accelerate the demolition of the flats as this was clearly a priority for residents. The Leader asked about a possible timescale for the demolition. It was noted that this would need to be discussed once a developer was on board but it was possible that demolition could begin as early as June 2012. Cabinet agreed that this was good news but also it was important to ensure that the flats were properly maintained until they were emptied.


A Member present under rule 30 asked about the land owned by SEGRO. It was noted that this was detailed in an appendix to the report and the Council was still awaiting a report on the land which was due to be completed by April.




That the progress reported at Appendix B of the report be noted and


(a)  That Sites 3-5 on the Plan at Appendix A, be subject to individual redevelopment for the supply of Slough Borough Council social housing.

(b)  That subject to 2 (a), at the earliest opportunity, the tenants from Wentworth Flats be relocated and given prior consideration for the new housing, subject to the normal rules about property size relating to tenants needs;

(c)  That subject to 2 (a), to work with the commercial tenants in the properties immediately beneath the Wentworth Flats and in the properties facing the Flats to further discuss their future needs and aspirations;

(d)  That the existing capital provision of £1.679 million previously reported, be increased to £2,679 million by combining all Britwell regeneration activity funding into a single Britwell Regeneration Scheme.  These funds, plus the £6 million HRA contribution for the social housing are to fund the cost of the Britwell Community hub, make provision for the preliminaries required and development of the three satellite housing sites and associated costs.

(e)  That a further update report be made to the next Cabinet meeting.


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