Agenda item

Performance and Financial Reporting for 2010/2011


Julie Evans, Director of Resources and Kevin Gordon, Assistant Director, Professional Services outlined a report setting out the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management covering the period up to and including January 2011, against the SBC Council wide Balanced Score Card, the LAA Score Card.  The report also detailed the revenue and capital monitoring position to January 2011. 


The Committee was advised that the information provided on Workforce Planning on page 31 of the agenda contained an error and should read “A total of £8.1m savings” and not “£8001m” as shown.  Members were also referred to a tabled Addendum document which set out a number of minor modifications to the report.



Kevin Gordon, Assistant Director, Professional Services referred the Committee to the Gold project updates within the report and advised that five projects had an overall green status, three projects had an overall amber status and one had a red status.  He advised the Committee that a full update on the Census 2011 would be provided at the next meeting in March. 

In response to a Member question regarding libraries, the Committee was advised that a report on this matter would be considered by the Community, Leisure and Environment Panel.  The Director of Community and Wellbeing advised that the contract with Essex County Council for libraries had been signed and it was possible that a £30,000 saving could be achieved. 

The Assistant Director, Professional Services referred to the exception report which provided an update on performance covering the period 1st April 2010 to 31st January, 2011, comprising exceptions from the balanced score card and the LAA score card.  In relation to NI 130 – clients and carers receiving first directed support/direct payments, the Director of Community and Wellbeing advised that at the end of February, 27.5% of clients and cares were in receipt of personal budget or direct payment and the target for this area was 30%.  There would be challenges in March and it was important to keep the target on track.  The worst case scenario was estimated at a target of 2% less than required.

The Assistant Director discussed the position regarding Slough Schools Ofsted inspection reports where 52% of primary schools in Slough were currently considered to be below a good level.  The Committee was advised that several corrective actions had been taken and a proposal was being developed to initiate a local school improvement board.  It was highlighted that NI 117, the number of 16-18 year olds who were not in education, training or employment (NEET) had a pleasing performance of 0.6% above the current ambitious target of 4.3%.  In the ensuing discussion a member asked why 52% of primary schools in Slough were currently considered to be below a good level and whether there were leadership issues, for example with Head teachers or governors?  The Assistant Director advised that there was no one single issue common to all schools and work was being done to address these issues.  It was highlighted that it was also important to engage schools so that they could support each other.  A member commented that standards had improved in key stage 1 and key stage 3 but a £1.4m cut in budget would have an impact on schools. 

In respect of NI 48 (children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents) a member advised that a suggestion to install 20mph speeds in some areas had been rejected by TVP on the grounds that speeds were impossible to Police.  The member requested that this particular issue be added to the list of questions that had been considered during the chief Constable’s presentation earlier in the meeting. 


Financial Reporting


The Strategic Director of Resources referred the Committee to an amendment on page 34 of the agenda to indicate that for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) there was currently a projected surplus of  £153k from the budgeted surplus position of £213k agreed at the start of the year.  This was an adverse movement of £1.2m from the position reported at the 31st December, 2010.  The Committee was also advised that paragraph 17.1 of the report had been updated to indicate that the position as at the end of January 2011 left an overall headline under spend position of £896k against the general fund revenue account.  Against the HRA the position as at the end of January 2011 left an overall headline overspend position of £60k.  Despite entering the final stages of the financial year close scrutiny continued to be required from the Directorate Management Teams to ensure 100% delivery and thus not weaken the base budget position for 2011/12 and beyond. 


The Director advised that the HRA summary document would be circulated to Members.  The Committee noted the month-on-month movement in variances within directorates, the treasury management changes to credit ratings of approved counter parties and the emerging issues/risks within each directorate.  The Committee also noted the detail of the council’s capital programme and the position on staffing budgets. 


Resolved  -  That the report be noted.

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