Agenda item

Internal Audit Plan - First Quarter 2011/12


That the Internal Audit Plan for the first quarter of 2011-12 and the changes made to the approach to Internal Audit following re-organisation of the service.



The Cabinet considered a report which detailed the first quarter’s Internal Audit Plan for 2011-12. The Director of Resources and Regeneration advised Members that this was slightly unusual because an Annual Audit Plan would usually be reported to the Audit Committee but due to difficulties with timings this had not been possible. The audit function was due to go out to tender and an internal audit plan needed to be in place until then. The Cabinet was advised that the move to a risk based audit plan would ensure that audit would be focused on the areas that really needed it.


Resolved: -That the Internal Audit Plan for the first quarter of 2011-12 and the changes made to the approach to Internal Audit following re-organisation of the service be endorsed


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