Agenda item

Performance and Financial Reporting for 2010/11


The Committee considered the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management covering the period up to and including February 2011 against the Council Wide Balanced Scorecard and the LAA Scorecard and the Revenue and capital monitoring position to February 2011.


The Committee debated the exception performance monitoring against the Balanced Scorecard a number of key projects were discussed including the Housing Futures (ALMO Move) – the Committee asked when the final phase of the ALMO programme environmental improvement would be reported to the Committee.  Members were advised that the Assistant Director of Housing had made a presentation to the Neighbourhoods and Renewal Scrutiny Panel and the Assistant Director would be asked to cover any outstanding issues at a future meeting of the Neighbourhoods and Renewal Scrutiny Panel.  Members queried why the Transactional services project was not listed as a “gold project” as it was key to the Authority.  Members asked a number of detailed questions about the project and how the Council was proposing to ensure that prospective bidders understood the Slough’s needs and reflected the economic and poverty issues that Slough experienced.  Members were advised that the report to Cabinet had made it clear that there would be jobs for Slough people and the project was in its infancy.  It was agreed that the Committee would recommend that the Transactional services project became “gold” for report to Committee in future. 


Members considered the financial position that had been presented and officers explained the underspend for 2010/11.  Members discussed the variances and how underspends were treated with regard to virement and carry forwards.  It was noted that the Committee would be able to monitor the action taken with regard to the underspend at its next meeting.  In discussing the capital programme the Committee requested that capital commitments be included in the monitoring reports in future.


Resolved   That the report be noted and that the actions detailed in the minute above be implemented.

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