Agenda item

Executive Forward Plan


The Executive Forward Plan for the Cabinet was noted. 


The Chair drew attention to a letter he had received from Councillors Walsh and MacIsaac following a meeting of the Heath Scrutiny Panel on 21st March, 2011.  The Health Scrutiny Panel had considered the public consultation on mental health in patient facilities serving the East of Berkshire.  The Panel had agreed to reject the decision of the Board and recommend that the Board did not proceed with the Trust’s preferred option to progress the outline business case in option 1 (i.e. that all beds be relocated to Prospect Park Hospital in Reading).  The Panel had recommended that an Independent Working Group (Health Scrutiny Task and Finish Group) be set up to consider this matter, consider the evidence used by the Board in reaching its decision and decide what action/recommendations it wished to make.  The establishment of a Task and Finish Group required the authorisation of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Members of the Committee supported the establishment of the Task and Finish Group but were concerned about the timing as it was believed that the Board may make a decision in June and that the Task and Finish Group would not have time to meet to give detailed consideration to the issue. 


After discussion it was -


Resolved -


(a)  That the establishment of a Task and Finish Group be endorsed. 


(b)  That a letter be written to the Board seeking a postponement of their decision to allow the Council to scrutinise as proposed. 

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