Agenda item

Regeneration and Community Hubs – Projects Update Presentation




Cabinet received a presentation which brought together the current position and planned activity on the regeneration schemes in Slough. The presentation included details of both the physical aspects of the building scheme and how the projects would be used to develop the capacity for community services. The Assistant Director for Environment and Regeneration detailed the progress made on the Slough Town Football Club development, the Britwell Community Hub and the Chalvey Early Years Centre. The Assistant Director for Culture and Skills advised Cabinet of the community provision that would be available on each site.


A Member present under Rule 30 asked about the provision of a satellite library on the Lea Nursery School site as it was a very small space and there may be noise and safeguarding issues. The Assistant Director advised that these concerns had been taken on board and advice had been received regarding safeguarding issues. An options appraisal was taking place for the development of the community hub. The Council would liaise with the head and governors regarding the options available before an update report would be brought back to te Cabinet.


The Leader affirmed that the level of work taking place on the different projects across the Borough and the collective impact of the different areas of regeneration was promising.


Resolved – That the regeneration and development of community hubs across Slough be noted.


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