Agenda item

Recommendations of the Licensing Committee of 23rd February, 2011

(a)  Review of Street Trading

(b)  Equality Act 2011-Taxis and Private Hire Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles


A – Review of Street Trading


It was moved by Councillor Davis,

Seconded by Councillor Rasib,


“That the recommendation as set out in the report be approved and adopted”. 


The recommendation was put and carried. 


Resolved  - That the proposed changes to the Street Trading Protocol and Guidance as contained in Sections 1 to 4 in Appendix B of the report be approved.


(B) -  Equality Act 2010 – Taxis and Private Hire Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles


It was moved by Councillor Davis,

Seconded by Councillor Rasib,


“That the recommendations as set out in the report be approved and adopted”. 


The recommendations were put and carried. 


Resolved -


(a)  That the Authority maintains a list of all ‘Designated Wheelchair Accessible Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles’.


(b)  That the Licensing Manager be given authority to grant exemptions on medical grounds, with all other applications for exemptions on physical capabilities e.g. weight, strength and height being referred to the Licensing Sub-Committee.


(c)  That ALL drivers of wheelchair accessible vehicles, both Taxis and Private Hire, that have not previously undergone ‘Passenger Assistance Training (PATS) must do so by 30th April 2011 or at the earliest opportunity, to be able to comply with the new duties.

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