Agenda item

Outturn 2010-11 Performance and Finance Report


Julie Evans, Director of Resources, introduced a report setting out the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management for the period up to and including March 2011 against exception performance monitoring and outlining the revenue and capital monitoring position.


Kevin Gordon, Assistant Director, Professional Services, referred the Committee to the performance aspect of the report including the SBC Corporate Scorecard setting out exceptions, and the Gold Project update which provided individual project progress reports.  It was noted that of the 8 active gold projects, 5 had an overall green status, 2 had an amber status and none of the projects had a red status.  The Culture, Learning and Library Service Transformation programme had now been completed and the Committee was advised that the closure report was being developed.


Members asked a number of detailed questions about various projects including the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme.  It was agreed that the Assistant Director would take these questions to the next Project Board meeting and provide a response to all Committee members.  Further questions were submitted regarding the Britwell and Haymill Regeneration project and the Director advised that previously this had been classed as more than one project incorporating several separate elements.  The Director  responded to a number of questions regarding the Town Hall and the provision of future committee facilities.  The Committee was advised that in the medium term the building would be used as a school but it was hoped that the scheme would incorporate council use of the building outside of school hours.  Interim arrangements for meetings at St Martin’s Place would be explored together with the use of alternative facilities at the Centre.  The Director also advised that designers would be sympathetic to the protection of the core section of the building but highlighted that the Town Hall did not have  listed building status and she had not yet viewed the designs for the building.


In response to a question regarding the provision of storage, the Director advised that it was a statutory requirement that some documents must be retained for six years but it was not necessary to store these documents on site and the Council used an archive facility at Berkshire Records Office in Reading.  In response to a further question the Director advised that she would forward details of the cost of this facility to the Committee. 


The Committee debated the performance of NI50 – Emotional Health of Children and the way in which this indicator was measured.  Key Stage 2 results were also discussed and it was clear that contributory factors included the fact that in many homes English was not a first language.  It was agreed that a response to a question regarding the failure to meet the target for library visits would be forwarded to the Committee. 


Financial Reporting


Members considered the financial position that had been presented and the Director of Resources explained the under spend for 2010/11.  The Committee discussed the variances and how the underspends were treated with regard to virement and carry forwards.  The Committee noted the position regarding education budgets and that the rules on Academies were tighter than community schools. 


The Committee welcomed Emma Foy who had been appointed to the position of Head of Finance. 


Resolved – That the report be noted. 

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