Agenda item

Performance and Project Reporting for 2010/11- end of year out-turns


Kevin Gordon, Assistant Director Professional Services outlined the performance outturns 2010/11 for the Corporate Balanced Scorecard and Local Area Agreement Performance measures.  Members were reminded that the Local Area Agreement (LAA) was signed up to in 2008 as a 3 year improvement cycle to address the key priorities for Slough as identified in the Sustainable Community Strategy.  However a change in national government and a complete revision of the National Indicator Framework meant that many of the national indicators chosen for monitoring in the LAA had subsequently been abolished; with methods of collection, processing and/or reporting being removed.  Consequently, what this meant was that although the end of the LAA had been reached, the Local Authority was unable to quantify a final position on those indicators so affected. 


Members were provided with an update on performance covering the period to 31st March 2011.  Details relating to the performance monitoring were outlined and the proposal for a new scorecard for use in the remainder of 2011-12 was outlined.


It was brought to Members’ attention that the Sustainable Community Strategy was undergoing a review, with the current priority areas for the local area being determined.  The end of the LAA and a review of sustainable community strategy mentioned had provided an opportunity to redefine both the priorities of greatest importance to Slough communities in 2011 and the years ahead, and to redefine the quantitative and qualitative measures that would best measure the authority’s collective success in addressing those priorities.  To this end, a proposed performance management scorecard was under discussion with senior managers of the Council and a draft version had been presented to the Corporate Management Team on 22nd June 2011. 


National indicator areas which had had an improvement were noted and included community safety, economy and skills, environment and health and well being. 


Members were informed that nine LAA indicators had been given a red status and details relating to corrective actions regarding the indicators were detailed for Members’ information. 


A Member requested further information regarding the percentage rate for staff appraisals that had been completed. The Assistant Director reported that a number of restructures had taken place across various departments and whilst this information was not currently available, it would be included within the performance and project report for the September committee meeting.


The issue of members post was raised and in particular the difficulties associated with late/supplementary reports being circulated after the agenda had been despatched. Whilst the Assistant Director agreed to remind officers of the importance of adhering to report deadlines, it was noted that there were no plans for the twice weekly courier service for members post to be reinstated. 


Resolved –


(a)  That the progress and status of performance measures in the Balanced Score Card be noted.


(b)  The actions for those indicators that had not met their targets in the exceptions report be noted.


(c)  The continuing gaps in the report and subsequent endorsement actions be noted. 

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