Agenda item

Streamlining Planning - amendments to the Constitution - recommendation of Member Panel on Constitution


It was moved by Councillor Dodds,

Seconded by Councillor Carter,


“That the recommendations as set out in the report be approved and adopted”. 


Councillor Smith sought to move an amendment which was ruled out of order as it introduced a new proposal. The Council agreed that the proposal be considered by the Member Panel on the Constitution for report back to a future meeting of the Council.




(a)  That the proposed changes to officer delegations (Development Control) as set out at Appendix 2 of the report with regard to minor changes to major applications be endorsed.


(b)  That a deadline for members to call in applications for consideration by the Planning Committee be introduced at 7 days from expiry of the residents consultation.


(c)  That the following proposal submitted by Councillor Smith be referred to the Member Panel on the Constitution for consideration and report back.


Objectors should be enabled to address the Planning Committee if officers are recommending "refusal", where the proposed development is in a Conservation Area, or in the Greenbelt, or where the objectors are statutory consultees, including Parish Councils”.


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