Agenda item

Motions submitted under procedure Rule 14




It was moved by Councillor Smith,

Seconded by Councillor Dale-Gough,


“This Council resolves to:-


·  Formulate plans and set aside funds to refurbish the tennis courts in Lascelles Park and bring all four of them up to a full functioning and safe standard. This work should be completed before next summer’s tennis season.

·  The cost should be met out of existing parks and leisure budgets.

·  To make these courts fit for purpose and available on the same first-come first-served basis, free of charge basis as at present, to meet the demand of park users including private individuals, organised groups like Boys Brigade, Brownies and Scouts, and nearby schools”.


It was moved as an amendment by Councillor Parmar,

Seconded by Councillor S Chaudhry,


That the motion be amended as follows:-


“This Council resolves to:-


• Continue investing in the borough’s parks consistent with the council’s progress to date; Formulate plans and timetable works (to fit in with the commitments the council has already made to refurbishing Baylis and Upton Court Park) and set aside funds to refurbish the tennis courts in Lascelles Park and bring all four of them up to a fully functioning and safe standard. This work should be completed before next summer’s tennis season.


Explore means of external funding as a priority as The cost should cannot be met out of existing parks and leisure budgets.


To explore options available to make these courts fit for purpose and available to a maximum number of people in an economically sustainable way on the same firstcome first-served basis, free of charge basis as at present, to meet the demand of park users including private individuals, organised groups like Boys Brigade, Brownies and Scouts, and nearby schools”.


The amendment was put and carried by 25 votes to 1 vote with 10 abstentions.


The substantive motion was put and carried by 24 votes to 8 votes with 3 abstentions. 


Resolved- This Council resolves to:-


• Continue investing in the borough’s parks consistent with the council’s progress to date; formulate plans and timetable works (to fit in with the commitments the council has already made to refurbishing Baylis and Upton Court Park) to refurbish the tennis courts in Lascelles Park and bring all four of them up to a fully functioning and safe standard.


Explore means of external funding as a priority as the cost cannot be met out of existing parks and leisure budgets.


• Explore options available to make these courts fit for purpose and available to a maximum number of people in an economically sustainable way to meet the demand of park users including private individuals, organised groups like Boys Brigade, Brownies and Scouts, and nearby schools.




It was moved by Councillor Plimmer,

Seconded by Councillor Stokes,


“This Council resolves to:

1)  Urgently commission a survey of the town centre war memorial located at the rear of St Mary’s Church to evaluate what work needs to be carried out to restore it to its former glory.


2)  Commission any work that needs doing to the town centre war memorial as soon as possible and without delay.


3)  Urgently commission a survey of other war memorials in order to ascertain:


a)  How many war memorials exist in the borough

b)  And to evaluate what work needs to be carried out to restore them to their former glory.


4)  Commission any work that needs doing to these war memorials as soon as possible and without delay”.


It was moved as an amendment by Councillor Anderson,

Seconded by Councillor Munawar,


“This Council resolves to:


1) Urgently commission a survey of the town centre war memorial located at the rear of St Mary’s Church to evaluate what work needs to be carried out to restore it to its former glory.


2) 1) Commission any work that needs doing to the town centre war memorial to maintain its current condition and safety, in addition to that which has already been carried out since April 2010 and in line with what would be appropriate for a listed historic structure. as soon as possible and without delay.


3) 2) Work with the Civic Society and Slough branch of the Royal British Legion to Urgently commission a survey of other war memorials in order to ascertain:

a) How many war memorials exist in the borough

b) And to evaluate what work needs to be carried out to restore them to their former glory.


4) 3) Commission any work that needs doing to these war memorials to maintain their current condition and safety, and in line with what would be appropriate for a listed historic structure, in time for the 100th Anniversary of the commencement of World War I, in 2014 as soon as possible and without delay”.


5) 4) Endorse the proposal already supported by the Civic Society and The War Memorials Trust that a public subscription campaign be mounted to fund a new War Memorial to be located in a non-denominational location, which recognises the service-men and -women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in all wars up to the current time.


5) Support the establishment of a War Memorial 2014 Committee to investigate the cost, location, design, criteria for the inclusion of names of war dead and funding means of such a memorial as referred in (4).


Councillor Plimmer as mover of the original motion, with the agreement of his  seconder, Councillor Coad, indicated that he was prepared to accept the proposed amendment which was agreed by the Council as the substantive motion.


The substantive motion was put and carried unanimously.


Resolved- This Council resolves to:


 1) Commission any work that needs doing to the town centre war memorial to maintain its current condition and safety, in addition to that which has already been carried out since April 2010 and in line with what would be appropriate for a listed historic structure.


2) Work with the Civic Society and Slough branch of the Royal British Legion to  ascertain:


a) How many war memorials exist in the borough

b) And to evaluate what work needs to be carried out to restore them to their former glory.

3) Commission any work that needs doing to these war memorials to maintain their current condition and safety, and in line with what would be appropriate for a listed historic structure, in time for the 100th Anniversary of the commencement of World War I, in 2014.


 4) Endorse the proposal already supported by the Civic Society and The War Memorials Trust that a public subscription campaign be mounted to fund a new War Memorial to be located in a non-denominational location, which recognises the service-men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in all wars up to the current time.


5) Support the establishment of a War Memorial 2014 Committee to investigate the cost, location, design, criteria for the inclusion of names of war dead and funding means of such a memorial as referred in (4).


Supporting documents: