Agenda item

Any Other Business

- Items for next meeting (need suggestions) e.g.: signage to Jubilee River across the Borough, cross boundary issues




SIFE – Highway Improvement Scheme M4 Jct 5 –

VV tabled design drawings of this scheme explaining that the preferred approach is to replace the subway and elevated ramps, which are not DDA compliant, with at grade crossings which would link in with the off carriageway cycle routes along the A4 another gain from the SIFE development. After discussion no consensus was reached amongst members about the proposals with TE’s initial reaction being that he would prefer to be away from the fast moving traffic and retain the subway/bridges.  IH, however, agreed with the proposals.  AD advised that the long term safety of the footbridges is in question after one was hit last year and required 2 x cranes to repair.


Resolved -  that members would consider the design drawings and make comments via JW as soon as possible.


Equality Training – VV and AD recently attended training on equality and highlighted the need to incorporate positive discrimination into design and also into the LAF itself.  It was agreed that a broadened perspective is required so that the needs of all kinds of vulnerable users can be considered in providing advice and information and also in allowing for accessibility to LAF meetings.


BHS Local Representative – JW advised that there was a new local rep for the British Horse Society called Sara Church who was enthusiastic about the circular bridleway route through Cippenham and the Jubilee River.  A leaflet is being planned to promote this amenity to the local community to encourage walking and cycling on the doorstep.  TE suggested that the leaflet include the streamside path in Cippenham and other off-road walking and cycling routes in the area.


Resolved - that the leaflet also be forwarded to the BHS to be added to their web site highlighting this circular bridleway facility to local horse riders.