Agenda item

Finance and Project Reporting For Monitoring Report to 31st July, 2011


Emma Foy, Acting Head of Finance, outlined a report to update the Committee on the latest financial position at the end of July, 2011. She highlighted a number of areas, including that the Finance Section had forecast an overspend for the 2011/12 General Fund of £32K at the end of period four, and that the Housing Revenue account recorded a projected surplus of £43K in addition to the budgeted surplus position of £87K.  It was also reported that the Community and Wellbeing Directorate had an under spend at 31st March of £17K relating to the Free Swimming Initiative. The Education and Children Services Directorate was currently in a break even position, however increasing pressures in Looked after Children would result in an upward forecast the following month. The Committee was advised that the Commercial and Transactional Services had a further budget pressure of £215K due to the annual running costs for the SAVVIS server.


A number of questions were asked by Members, including whether or not any proposals had been put in place to ensure that the Council would save money and the implications that inflation was expected to have on the Council’s budget.  The Committee was informed that proposals had been put in place by PPRG to save £8m, however due to the current economic climate, the Council was unable to sell property at the speed required to fund the capital programme.  Members were told that the current years’ budget build had been calculated to take inflation into account and contracts were frequently being reviewed and renegotiated, if possible, to offset the cost of inflation.  A Member raised a concern with regard to generation of income via the sale of Council property; Members were assured that the only Council assets to be sold fell within the ‘D’ Category, the ‘A’ Category being the most valuable.


A question was raised with regard to the use of the Co-operative Homes which were handed back to the Council in September 2009, and the Committee was informed that the properties were blighted and consequently one had been sold and three had been destroyed after all residents were relocated.


Update with regard to Staff Appraisals


Kevin Gordon, Assistant Director of Professional Services, provided the Committee with statistical information demonstrating that there had been progress throughout the Council with regard to the number of staff who had been provided with appraisals.  It was noted that 1265 staff were eligible for an appraisal and in the 12 months to 12 September, 470 staff had an appraisal which equated to 37.2% of staff.  The Chief Executive Directorate had the highest percentage of completed appraisals whilst Resources and Regeneration had the lowest level.  The Assistant Director accepted that the number of staff who had received appraisals was not yet at the required level, however the process had been hindered due to a number of restructures, the number of staff on annual leave last month and the time which it took to collate all the information.  It was confirmed that the Chief Executive and all Directors fully supported quality appraisals and a progress report would be bought to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in three months time.  It was also felt that it would be beneficial to consider the statistics at the end of year and budget setting process.


A number of questions were raised by Members, including the frequency at which appraisals were carried out and the consequential cost.  The Assistant Director advised that it was standard practice within the Council to provide appraisals annually; however discussions were in place with regard to implementing a more rigid appraisal scheme which if formalised, would be carried out at the start of the financial year.  It was noted that appraisals  required a significant investment from the Council; however this cost would be offset by the efficient working of staff who were properly performance managed and well trained.


Gold Project Update


The Assistant Director outlined a summary of the Council’s Gold Projects at 31st July, 2011.  It was highlighted that the ‘Safeguarding Improvement Plan’ had been added to the list of projects, in response to the recent Ofsted Inspection. The Committee noted that seven projects had a green status, and two had an amber status. None of the projects were categorised as having a red status.


The Committee raised a number of questions regarding Adult Social Care Transformation and the Personalisation Programme. In response, the Assistant Director advised that the programme was a national one but was a matter of choice for individuals and would not always be appropriate for all clients.


Members praised Officers for the work they had done to make the Chalvey Community Hub a success. A Member felt however that the success of the scheme had been overshadowed by the ongoing road closures on Chalvey Road West and argued that the current system threatened many businesses in the area. The Committee agreed that an update report on this issue should be submitted to its next meeting. Further concerns were raised regarding the effectiveness of the Council’s telephone systems and a Member reported that every week he received several emails of complaint. It was agreed that a report on this subject would be requested for the next meeting of the Committee.


Members noted the position on the School Places in Slough Project. A Member commented that there was evidence from parents that insufficient places were available.  Clair Pyper, Director, Education and Children Services, advised that there were sufficient places available for the number of places predicted in September. It was highlighted that a requested preferred school could not always be guaranteed and also that there was no guarantee that children would automatically be allowed a place in the same school as older siblings. 


A Member asked whether in relation to school places in Slough, all of the budget had been spent by august and it was agreed that The Director would forward a detailed response to this after the meeting.




(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That the Committee places on record its congratulations to Officers for the completion of the Chalvey Community Hub.

(c)That further reports be submitted to the Committee as follows:


·  Staff Appraisals- update on completion rates- 6th December, 2011

·  Staff Appraisals- update on end of year completion rates-10th April, 2012

·  Chalvey-Road Closures: current position

·  Effectiveness of Council’s public telephone systems-to be included in Transactional Services report , 11th October, 2011


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