Agenda item

Project Performance and Financial Reporting for 2010/11


Emma Foy, Acting Head of Finance, outlined a report setting out the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management covering the period up to and including August 2011 against the Council’s Gold projects and revenue and capital monitoring position. 


The Officer provided a summary on the projects and advised that the 2011 Census project had now been completed.  Of the 9 remaining active projects, 5 had been assessed as having an overall green status, 3 had an overall amber status and none had an overall red status.  The recently added Safeguarding Improvement Plan had not yet been allocated a RAG status. 


The Committee noted the detail of the various projects within the report and asked a number of questions.  A particular concern was raised regarding the significant PPRG savings targets identified for learning disability budgets as this was a frontline service.  The Officer advised that she would provide further information and this would be circulated to all Committee Members through the Democratic Services Officer.  In relation to the school places in Slough Gold project, a Member asked for further information on which schools would expand in future and he also questioned why it was necessary to send so many children to schools out of the Borough.  The Officer advised that she would discuss this matter with the Strategic Director, Education and Children’s Services and circulate further details to all Committee Members.


Resolved -That the Committee note the recommendations that will be considered by  Cabinet at its meeting on 17th October, 2011

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