Agenda item

Electoral Matters - Local Government Boundary Commission Electoral Review, Polling District and Polling Place Review and Parliamentary Constituency Boundary Review


It was moved by Councillor Anderson,

Seconded by Councillor Swindlehurst,


(a)  That the draft Submission on proposed Warding Arrangements for the Borough as set out at Appendix A of the report be approved and forwarded to the LGBCE.

(b)  That the outcome of the review of Polling District and Polling Places be noted and that:-

(1)  with the exception of (2) and (3) below, existing Polling Districts and Polling Places be retained.

(2)  Upton Lea Community Centre be designated as the Polling Place for Polling District NB (Wexham Lea) with immediate effect.

(3)  That a decision on the Polling Place for Polling District (NC) (Wexham Lea Ward) be deferred to the meeting on 19th October 2011.


The recommendations were put and carried by 23 votes, to 6 votes, with 6 abstentions, and on a show of hands, a prior request having been made, for a record of the voting:


There voted for the recommendations:


Councillors Anderson, Bains, Carter, S Chaudhry, Chohan, Dar, Davis, A S Dhaliwal, Grewal, M S Mann, P K Mann, Matloob, Minhas, O’Connor, Pantelic, Parmar, Plenty, Rasib, Sharif, Small, Sohal, Swindlehurst and Walsh ........................................................................................................................  23


There voted against the recommendations:


Councillors Haines, Long, Plimmer, Smith, Stokes, and S P Wright.................... 6


There abstained from voting:


The Worshipful the Mayor, Councillors Abe, Basharat, Buchanan, Strutton and A S Wright  6



(a)  That the draft Submission on proposed Warding Arrangements for the Borough as set out at Appendix A of the report be approved and forwarded to the LGBCE.

(b)  That the outcome of the review of Polling District and Polling Places be noted and that:-

(1)  with the exception of (2) and (3) below, existing Polling Districts and Polling Places be retained.

(2)  Upton Lea Community Centre be designated as the Polling Place for Polling District NB (Wexham Lea) with immediate effect.

(3)  That a decision on the Polling Place for Polling District (NC) (Wexham Lea Ward) be deferred to the meeting on 19th October 2011.

Supporting documents: