Agenda item

Matters Arising (other than those on the agenda)


Stoke Poges Lane – Elliman Avenue Junction   KW queried whether the intelligent management system (MOVA) for this junction was ever installed. 


Resolved – JW would ask Transport section to clarify.


Ditton Park Cycle Path update – JW advised that Anthony Hurst Principal Rights of Way Officer RBWM was due to visit site soon and would decide how to progress the issue.  CA Real Estate had still not responded to his two previous letters sent in January and May 2011.  There had been continual complaints about potholes on the path in the Ditton Park Estate. 


JW confirmed that CA Real Estate were under an obligation to maintain the route in a good and safe condition according to the S106 agreement.  .  Members considered how to escalate the situation so that CA Real Estate would take action with Cllr Chohan recommending any further letters have a deadline stipulated for response.


The SBC Transport team are planning to undertake remedial works to the route surface on the Slough section as it runs on the southern edge of the Cricket Ground and links to the Ditton Park Estate section of the path.


Resolved – JW would speak to Anthony Hurst RBWM to see if he can involve RBWM planning enforcement officers.


Gating Order Proposals Updates


Footpath 35a – Demolition of the old Nationwide building adjacent to this path is now complete and the path is open again.  The actual development which will require another closure of the path has yet to start though AD advised it has Building Regulations approval.


SIFE – Highways Improvement Scheme M4 Jct 5 - 

No further comments were received from members on this scheme after the meeting.  The SIFE planning application has now been refused by SBC and an appeal is likely to follow.