Agenda item

S/00674/000 - Land between 79 & 83 Grasmere Avenue, Slough




S/00674/000 – Land between 79 & 83, Grasmere Avenue, Slough, SL2 5JE.  Erection of a pedestrian access to the Wexham Lea Sure Start Child Care Centre from Grasmere Avenue.




The proposed access would result in people congregating around the junction with Grasmere Avenue and the immediate surrounding area, which would result in a significant loss of amenity for the occupiers in this area due to the increase in noise, disturbance and associated anti-social behaviour. As such the proposal is contrary to Policies EN1 and EN5 of The Adopted Local Plan for Slough 2004; Core Policy 8 of The Slough Local Development Framework, Core Strategy 2006-2026, Development Plan Document December 2008; and PPS1 and PPS3. 



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