Agenda item

Sustainable Community Strategy- Refresh


Tracey Luck, Head of Policy and Communications, outlined a report setting out the draft refreshed Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) which would be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 17th October, 2011.


The Committee was advised that it was necessary to refresh the SCS so that the overall strategic direction and long term vision for the Borough would be sufficiently articulated and coordinated, to meet the needs of the Borough’s communities.  It was noted that the Government had decided to repeal the duty to prepare a SCS but local authorities were still expected to work with partners and local communities to develop shared strategies for what they needed to improve in their areas.  A decision had therefore been taken to review Slough’s SCR and take into account a number of issues such as economic changes, the emerging emphasis on community engagement and responsibility, and the removal of the duty to maintain a Local Area Agreement


The Committee noted that consultations were carried out to refresh the SCS including a workshop with council staff, stakeholders and partners. The strategy was supported by an Action Plan which would be developed over the coming months. Once the SCS had been agreed the governance structure of the Council’s Local Strategic Partnership would be reviewed to ensure that the Board and its Partnership Delivery Groups were able to deliver the new priorities in the most effective way.


The Committee noted the detail of the draft SCS set out within the report.


Resolved- That the Committee endorse the draft refreshed Community Strategy.

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